Wednesday, May 23, 2007

James 4--Salvation, Slander and Sin

This next section sounded alot like teaching that I have received through Way of the Master Ministries.

God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

According to John McArthur there are 10 commands in v 7-10. But I could only find 9.

How to receive God's gift of salvation
1. Submit= line up under. Willing submission to God's authority. Obey commands. Follow His leadership.
2. Resist=Take a stand against the devil and he will flee
3. Draw Near=pursue God. A true convert will long for communion with God.
4. Cleanse your hands=recognize and confess sin
5. Purify your hearts-inner thoughts, motives and desires of the heart
6. Lament--afflicted wretched and miserable
7. Mourn--inner response of brokeness
8. Weep--outward manifestation of what going on inside (Laughter turned to mourning and joy to gloom) Amazing how the truly humble stop laughing and joking when confronted with the sin in their life and by their countenance show their brokeness.
9 Humble yourself--make oneself low

Is it possible that those who shortchange these steps may be shortstepping their conversion? I'm not sure. But I do think one must examine their life in light of the great sin they have committed before a holy God to understand why HIS grace is so amazing!

Receiving this precious gift entails more than just saying a prayer. It requires a change in your life. Repentance is turning from your own ways to God's. I wonder how much of the church in America today is truly repentant, and therefore truly saved. It's hard to say, but when the divorce rate among churchgoer's is higher than that of the general public, something is wrong.

Do not slander/speak evil of brother.
The issue is slanderous condemnation, not confronting sin. We are told in other places to confront sin so that we can be healed, restored, and even saved from death. (Matt 18, I John 5).

To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.
All I can say is help me to do good even when I'm too tired, too busy, and too focused on other tasks. If there is an opportunity to help someone or to do good and You bring it to my mind. Help me, dear Lord, to obediently respond to your command.

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