Saturday, May 19, 2007

James 1-Part 1

Here are my notes from James 1

Trials produce endurance which produces maturity which makes us complete. So we should rejoice in trials because they bring us to maturity. Trials are a test of our faith and are allowed to strengthen us. Oh how I can attest to this. It seems that I grow more when I am experiencing trials. Through the pressures of the fires in life, I have learned to trust my Lord more and more. And I long to trust Him with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength. To never question His commands. To serve Him even when I don't feel like it.

Wisdom is knowing God's will to live a godly life. To daily seek Him for direction for each day. To learn to glorify Him in all I think, say, do and feel. Sadly, many times I've believed the notion that wisdom is something that is required for big decisions and on special occasions, but not according to these verses. Wisdom is needed daily just to make it through my day.

Trials show our inadequacy and should drive us to our knees to ask for wisdom. Help me, dear Lord, to come to you daily, even as I wake, to ask you for the wisdom that I need for that day. Show me my inadequacies.

When we do not believe, it shows our distrust of God. Lord, help my unbelief! I need to trust you more!

Blessed are we when we endure trials for we will receive a crown of life, namely eternal life in Christ. When we become a Christian, we are not set free from trials. In fact, these verses seem to promise that we will have trials--and many of them. But when we persevere til the end, we will receive a crown of life.

God is not the author of evil. He allows trials in the life of a believer in order to strengthen him.
Many people stumble over this question of the origin of evil. Did God create evil? Absolutely not! He allowed sin because He had a better plan. I love what RC Sproul says in his book, Chosen by God: "Because God is sovereign, we must conclude that God foreordained sin. We must conclude that God's decision to allow sin to enter teh world was a good decision. This is not to say that our sin is really a good thing, but merely that God's allowing us to do sin, which is evil, is a good thing. God's allowing evil is good, bu the evil He allows is still evil. We must assume that God knew in advance that man would fall. We also must assume that He could have intervened to stop it. Or He could have chosen not fo create us at all. Bottom line, we know that He knew we would fall and that He went ahead and created us anyway. He also knew in advance that He was going to implement a plan for redemption for His fallen creation that woudl include a perfect manifestation of His justice and a perfect expression of His love and mercy." The purpose of the trials and temptations that we face is to strengthen us! For we we fall, He is there to pick us up and set us back on the proverbial horse. And when we overcome, we can rejoice in the work that He has done in us! Soli Deo Gloria!

We sin because of our evil desires. In thinking on my own sin, I would have to agree. I choose my comfort over that of others. I choose my rights over those of my brothers and sisters. I choose my plan over that of my Lord. Oh, wicked wretch that I am!

When that evil desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin. And sin leads to death. And what death is that? Death of a dream, death of hope, frustration to those we love, and even possibly our own physical death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.