Saturday, June 30, 2007

II Tim 4--Word, Finishing Well

I charge you:
Preach the Word
Be ready in season and out!

The Word can be used to:

There will come a time when men will not listen to sound doctrine because of the OWN desires.

You should:
--be watchful
--endure afflictions
--do evangelism
--fulfill your ministry

Paul says, "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith."
I pray I will be able to say such some day as well.

The Lord stood with me and strengthened me.
When times are tough and it seems impossible to persevere, we can look to the Lord to stand with us and strengthen us.

Friday, June 29, 2007

II Tim 3--Evil Men, Persecution, Scriptures

In the last days, perilous times will come.

Men will be:
--lovers of themselves
--lovers of money
--disobedient to parents
--without self-control
--despisers of good
--lovers of pleasure
--not lovers of God
--having a form of godliness
--but denying it's power.
And from such people, TURN AWAY.

These men lead gullible women loaded down with sin astray by their false teaching.

All who desire to live godly in Christ WILL suffer persecution.
I suppose the question is if we are not suffering some kind of persecution, what should that tell us?

Knowing from childhood the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
It is the scriptures that teach us about salvation through faith in Jesus.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work.

II Tim 2--Depart from Sin, Characteristics of Servants

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of truth.

The Lord knows those who are His.

Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
We should be pursuing holiness. Fleeing from sin. When we fall, we should hate it and be disgusted, not be diving into sin and reveling in it.

Avoid foolish disputes knowing that they generate strife.

A servant of the Lord must
--not quarrel
--be gentle to all
--be able to teach
--be patient
--in humility correct those who are in opposition.

God grants repentance.
It's all by God's grace and He will get all the glory!

II Tim 2--Grace, Hardship, Denial

Be strong in the grace that is in Jesus.
Grace...I like what someone once said that grace is giving you what you DON"T deserve and mercy is NOT giving you what you DO deserve. Through Jesus we have been given an awesome gift! Not only are we not condemned to the hell we so justly deserve, but through grace He has given us eternal life as heirs and sons and daughters of His inheritance. Oh wretch that I am! I am so undeserving of His rich love towards me. But He has called me His child and I am so grateful. Help me to live in such a way that I would reflect the mercy and grace you have bestowed upon me.

You must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus. Don't get tangled in the affairs of this life.

Hardship doesn't seem like an option here. And yet we are continually bombarded with the message that if we "accept" Jesus, then our lives will be better. And indeed they will be for we will be saved from the wrath to come. But I think as American Christians and because of the prevalence of the prosperity gospel, we somehow equate knowing Jesus with having more stuff, less strife and happy days. This is the exact opposite of taking up our cross, denying ourselves and laying down our lives others, and dying to ourselves.

If we deny Him, he will deny us.
This is a final denial at death. Peter denied Christ 3 times, but this was a temporary denial. After being filled with the Spirit, he was used mightily by God and died for the sake of the gospel. IN the end, he glorified Jesus and did not deny Jesus, but fed His sheep.

II Tim. 1--Gifts,Fear and Election

Paul wants to "Remind you [Timothy] to stir up gift which is in you."
Was he faltering or wavering in his gifting?)

God has not given you a spirit of fear, but power. love and sound mind.
How many times have I not used my giftings because of fear. I need to remember that the context of this verse was in relation to stepping out with your giftings. In particular, I feel the need to be more courageous in sharing my faith with others. I still struggle with fear. But my desire is for my love of God to overcome my fear of man. Cowardly fear is caused by a weak and selfish character. Only thinking of self. It is not glorifying God or edifying the body.
Love is focusing on pleasing God and seeking the welfare of others before one's own.
Sound mind means focusing on the sovereign nature and perfect purposes of God

He has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works (we can't earn by doing works) but according to his purpose and grace which was given in Christ before time began.
Another verse related to unconditional election. That God saved and called us before time began.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I Timothy 6--False Teachers, Money, Pursuing God

Let bondservants as are under the yoke could their own masters as worthy of honor so that the name of God and His doctrine may not be blasphemed.

I think this could apply to an employee. Each employee should give honor to their employer so that God is not blasphemed. Blasphemed is a pretty strong word, but a reminder of how important it is for us to show honor to those who are in authority over us.

Characteristics of False teachers
1. Teach otherwise--different doctrine
2. Do not consent to wholesome words
3. Reject doctrine which accords with godliness.
4. Are proud
5. Know nothing
6. Obsessed with disputes and arguments over words
7. Envy
8. Strife
9. reviling
10. evil suspicions
11. useless wranglings of men
12. of corrupt minds
13. destitute of the truth
14. use "godliness" as a means of gain. (Pretend to be godly to get what they want.)

WITHDRAW from such men!

Godliness with contentment is great gain.
Be content with what the Lord has provided. With your food, clothing, etc. We in America are so blessed and so rich! It is so foolish for us to be ungrateful and discontent with what the Lord has provided.

If you desire to be rich, be careful for you may fall into temptation and snares and into many harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some have strayed from faith in greediness and pierced themselves with many sorrows.
This isn't saying that they've lost their faith. Just wandered to pursue greed and money and with it many sorrows. It's so much better to pursue the Lord!

Flee greed and pursue:
1. righteousness
2. godliness
3. faith
4. love
5 patience
6. gentleness

Command those who are rich not to be haughty not to trust in riches, but in the living God.
Let them do good. Be rich in good works, ready to give and willing to share.

Again we in America should not trust in our riches (houses, money, stocks, etc), but in God. He is our true provider and sustainer! Help us, dear Lord, to be rich in good works!

Avoid profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge.
I'm reminded of the quote by Socrates--"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing. " The more I learn, the more ignorant I learn that I am. Lord, I need to know what you say is true. And help me to discern true from false.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Reformed v. Arminian--Historical Background

I'm going to try to attempt to explain these 2 camps by giving historical background and then comparing and contrasting the 2 views. This will take several blog posts. And I'm not convinced that I will do this justice. But I want to try:

First, I would like to give some historical context. And then in later posts, I would like to define and touch on the differences in the points of the 2 camps.

It was 1618 and a controversy had arisen in the Dutch church over the teachings of Arminius and his followers who had raised some objections to the Belgic Confession and to the teachings of John Calvin. These objections were formulated into a document called The Remonstrance of 1610.

The Remonstrance had 5 points.
1. Partial human depravity
2. The election on the basis of foreseen faith
3. Universal atonement
4. Resistible grace and
5. The possibility of lapse from grace

A council convened at Dordrecht to settle the controversy. This council is known as the Synod of Dort. The Council concluded with the rejection of these views and set forth 5 points to answer the 5 points of The Remonstrance. These 5 counter-points have also been called the 5 points of Calvinism.

Here are the 5 points as spelled out in the response to The Remonstrance
1. Total human depravity
2. Unconditional Election
3. Limited Atonement
4. Irresistible grace
5. Perseverance of the Saints.

Together they form the acronym T-U-L-I-P.

I Timothy 5--Rebukes, Elders

Do not rebuke
--an older man, but exhort as a father.
--a younger man, but exhort as a brother
--older woman, but as a mother
--younger woman, but as a sister.

I think the main thing here is to be kind. It's so easy to use our words harshly. But when we do need to correct, it should be done with prayer and kindness as if it was someone we love.

Elders counted worthy of double honor. Accusations should be by 2-3 witnesses. If they are sinning, rebuke in front of all.

YIKES! That's kind of scary! To be rebuked in front of everyone. But they are examples and I could see that if a few people saw someone in a high profile position sinning that they may try to justify sinning themselves. And then it could spread throughout the body. Lord, I thank you so much for men of God that you have put in the position of elder of their church body. Lead and guide them and help them to have wisdom that comes from you alone!

In choosing elders be patient, fair, impartial and pure!

I pray that our church would listen to this passage as they seek elders. Lord, help those making the decision to be patient, fair, impartial and pure.

I Timothy 4--Falling Away, Exercising Faith

In latter times, some will depart from faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, conscience seared, forbidden to marry, commanding to abstain from certain foods.

Depart from the faith doesn't mean that they will be saved and then unsaved. Just that some professing to be believers will leave true faith. They will be deceived and give heed to false doctrines. They will speak lies and be hypocrites. Their consciences will be seared. Their hearts will not be able to be pricked and stirred to repentance over their sins 'cause they won't care that they are sinning. And they will have external legalistic rules that will take precedence over what truly matters. It's sad to me that we are not far from this scenario in these days. But our hope lies in that He's coming soon!

Exercise yourself toward godliness.
Exercise is work! Actually, I hate exercise. It's just no fun. But it is necessary in order to be strong and not flabby. In the same way, if we are to be spiritually strong and fit, we must exercise ourselves towards godliness. This is daily living--making the right choices to glorify God instead of self, being disciplined to study the Word and pray, to do good deeds and bear good fruit, and to love even when we don't feel like it.

Let no one despise your youth but be an example in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Timothy was in his 30's when given this admonition. I guess that means I'm still youthful. :-)
But the call is to be an example in everything we say, do, think and feel. Much harder to do than to say. Oh, I pray I will continue to grow in this area!

Give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.

I'm of the opinion that much of what's wrong in the church at large is that we don't follow this command. Most of the church doesn't read the Bible and therefore does not know what it says or how to apply it to their lives. They are simply blindly following eloquent leaders who are leading them down dangerous paths.

Do not neglect the gift that is in you.
I'm not sure what my gifts are. I've been told hospitality and exhortation and prophecy. If so, then may it all be done for the glory of the Lord. May I be found faithfully serving you, Lord Jesus, when you return!

I Timothy 3--Qualifications of Elders and Deacons

If a man desires the position of Bishop, he desires a good work.

Characteristics of Elders
1. blameless
2. husband of one wife
3. temperate
4. sober minded
5. of good behavior
6. hospitable
7. able to teach
8. not given to wine
9. not quarrelsome
10. not covetous
11. rules his own house well
12. having children in submission with all reverence
13. not a novice (new believer)
14. have a good testimony among those outside

Characteristics of Deacons
1. reverent
2. not double tongued
3. not given to much wine
4. not greedy for money
5. holding mystery of faith with pure conscience
6. blameless
7. Wives reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things
8. husbands of one wife
9. rule children and houses well

I Timothy 2--Salvation for all men? Women in the Church

Exhort that supplications, prayers and intercessions be made for all {kinds of} men: kings, all in authority. For this is good and acceptable in sight of God, our Savior who desires all {kinds of}men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth.

Here is another verse that is used by some to say that all men can be saved.
I looked up two popular teachers from the reformed view and here is what they had to say:
John McArthur--God's desires are not the same as God's sovereign plan.
James White--From the context of the surrounding verses, the text reads that God desires all (kinds of) men to be saved.

I think I like White's reasoning better. It seems weird to think of God wanting something that He doesn't do. But I could be wrong. I just logically like Dr. White's explanation better.

I desire that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting. McArthur says the word "doubting" could be better translated as dissention. That makes sense that we should take care of all anger, sin, and any other thing that could cause disunity before coming before a holy God.

Women adorn modest apparel with propriety and moderations, not with braided hair or gold pearls or costly clothing.

What does our dress say about us? What distractions are we creating for those around us who are trying to worship God?

Let women learn in silence with all submission. Not leaders in the church.
Do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man.

I take this literally and believe that it is saying that women should not teach men in the church. The reason as given in the scripture is because women are more susceptible to deceit. This goes all way back to garden. Therefore I think we have to say that it is still applicable today.

Saved (from reproach) in childbearing when she continues in faith, love and holiness with self-control.

A woman is not saved from hell by bearing children. But is was a woman who led mankind into sin, and Christian women have an opportunity to lead many out of sin to godliness through the joy of raising godly children.

I pray that the Lord will continue to give me wisdom, love, patience and everything else I need to raise these 4 blessings that He's entrusted to my sweetie and I.

I Timothy 1--Using the Law, Why Jesus came

The Law is good IF one uses it lawfully, knowing this that the law is NOT made for a RIGHTEOUS person, but for the LAWLESS and INSUBORDINATE for the UNGODLY and for the SINNER, for the UNHOLY and PROFANE, for MURDERERS of fathers and mothers, for MANSLAYERS, FORNICATORS, SODOMITES, KIDNAPPERS, LIARS, PERJURERS, and any other thing that is contrary to false doctrine.

This reminds me a lot of the Way of the Master teachings...again Law to the Proud (self-righteous) and Grace to the Humble. The law should be used to expose those who are in sin. When they humble themselves and recognize that they are guilty before a holy God, then we present them with the gift of God through Christ Jesus. If they continue to justify their sin and would rather be gratified by the flesh, then they are not ready to hear the Good News that through the blood of Jesus they can be redeemed.

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to seek and save sinners.

This was the Primary Purpose of Jesus coming. Here's a question I've been asking myself:

If Christ's primary purpose was to seek and save sinners, shouldn't that also be ours as his disciples (students)?

I just really like this verse:

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible to the God who alone is wise , be HONOR and GLORY forever and ever! AMEN!


Nailed!--Part 2

So now that I had come to the conclusion that I was more worried about MY reputation instead of God's. What was I to do? I figured that I just needed to trust the Lord that He would help me through my fear and to thank Him for this trial.

BUT...I only had part of the solution.

On Wednesday evening at church our pastor talked about intimacy, control, and sin.

He gave the following definition of true intimacy, "The ability to real (genuine) with another person." How can I be real with someone if I'm holding back because I'm afraid of hurt?

Then he led us through this passage in Philippians 4:4-7
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

We are to rejoice always! When things are tough and when things are easy. When we are being blessed and being cursed. When we are at peace with everyone, and when we are in conflict.

When we are fretting, we are in sin! We are not trusting God and taking matters into our own hands. And here was where I was nailed! I needed to recognize that this was not just an area of weakness, but also of SIN!

I was in sin! I was trying to control the outcome of my conflict. It was more important to me to have everyone like me (i.e. not reject me) and so my worry came from putting man's opinion over God's. And trying to do everything right so that the results would be favorable.

But what I must learn is that it is more important to be obedient to the Lord than to be anxious about man, conflict and the results.

As long as I am being kind, speaking the truth in love and humble, then when He asks me to speak up in a situation I need to be obedient and trust in Him for the results whether they are favorable or not!

Help me, dear Lord! I want to follow You! So when these overwhelming feelings of fear come, help me to cast my cares upon You, to pray and be thankful and to trust You more! And then, let me experience Your peace that surpasses all understanding! And when I'm fretting, help me to repent of that sin and to seek You all the more!

To God be the glory! (Even in conflict!)

Nailed!--Part 1

Last night, our pastor nailed me to the wall during our weekly Bible Study.

A little background is in order before I get to the convicting part.

I grew up in a home where there was constantly the threat of abandonment. Anytime something was wrong, I heard these words, "I'm leaving." My father and eventually my step-father would pack their suitcases and leave the house. This all left me feeling scared of my future. What would become of me? Where would I go? etc.

This carried through to my marriage. There was a transition period during the first few years of my marriage where I wondered if there was anything I could do to make my sweetie mad enough that he too would abandon me. Fortunately, the Lord knew that I needed someone stable and who could show me His unconditional love. And I've healed a lot in this area. I've come to the place where if I know someone loves me and will not abandon me, I can trust them more. I can speak up when hurt and the conflict is resolved immediately.


Over the past couple of years, I've struggled with conflict outside of my immediate family. The Lord has allowed several instances where He has brought me to a place where I needed to resolve a conflict. Previously, I had I managed to escape (overlook) most of the conflict in my life until the Lord allowed some deeper hurts that could not be overlooked.

I tried to resolve those in Biblical ways according to Matthew 18. But not all of the instances were resolved in the way I would have liked.

At any rate, last week I was confronted with 2 opportunities for growth in this area. Let me say upfront that these 2 opportunities were resolved beautifully. And I rejoice that they were.


I saw something new in my heart that I had not seen before. FEAR!

I recognized that I feared conflict to the point that I lost sleep over it. It consumed my thoughts. I worried and fretted over responses and reactions. It affected my relationships with my family.
I realized that I was worrying about the responses of men over obedience to God.

So what was I to do with this revelation? (See Nailed! Part 2)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Titus 3

Remind the believers:
--to be subject to rulers and authorities
--to obey
--to be ready for every good work
--to speak evil of no one
--to be peaceable
--to be gentle
--to show humility to all men

We used to be (before salvation):
--serving various lusts and pleasures
--living in malice and envy
--hateful and hating one another

Those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are profitable to men. (for salvation).
I'm reminded of Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

We should avoid:
--foolish disputes
--strivings about the law
For these things are unprofitable and useless.

Reject a divisive man after 2 warnings (See Matthew 18 for conflict with a brother)

Titus 2

All Christians, regardless of age and gender, need sound doctrine!

Older Men (60+)
--be sober (sensible)
--sound in faith
--sound in love
--sound in patience

Older Women (60+/ past child bearing/raising)
--not slanderous
--not given to much wine
--teachers of good things
--admonish young women
--to love husbands
--to love children
--to be discreet (pure)
--obedient to own husband

I've always desired to have a mentor, but it has never really materialized. But I have a heart to mentor those who are younger than I am. The problem is that I am many times feeling my way around trying to figure out what I'm doing. The older I get the more I realize how much I don't know and how little I have to offer. But I do desire to be a good wife and mother and all that other stuff mentioned.

Young men (12+)
--sober minded (sensible)
--pattern of good works
--in doctrine showing integrity
--showing reverence
--showing incorruptibility
--showing sound speech that can't be condemned (Daily conversations are beyond reproach)
--So that opponent has nothing evil to say of you.

Bondservants (Could this be applied to employees? I think it fits.)
--obedient to master (boss?)
--well pleasing in all things
--not answering back
--not pilfering
--showing all good fidelity

We are to :
Speak (Proclaim) the Word
Exhort with the Word (Apply)
Rebuke with the Word (Correct)

This reminds me of II Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

I need to know the Word better and to understand it more, especially during the times that we are living with so much false teaching.

Monday, June 4, 2007


Baseball season is over!

The tournament that was scheduled was rained out and they've decided not to continue.

But I just wanted to take a moment to brag a bit on Z.

He far surpassed my expectations of his physical abilities. I had no idea that he was such a consistent pitcher. During the last game, he pitched 4 innings and only walked one guy. And kept the score at 0-1 for three of those innings. During the fourth inning, his team started hitting and finally came back to 7-1 and ended up winning the game 11-1.

But better than his performance were the words of the coach about him at the end of season party. He said that Z always did what he was told and was respectful to all of the coaches and players and is an all-around great kid. (And also he was an ace pitcher).

Z, I'm proud of you!

Titus 1--Elders and False Teachers

God cannot lie. He has promised eternal life to the elect that were chosen before time began. His promise is true and will come to pass.

Qualifications for Elders of Church
1. Blameless--beyond legitimate accusation and public scandal
2. Husband of one wife
3. Having faithful children (saved)
4. Children not accused of dissipation or insubordination (debauchery or rebellion)
5. Steward of God--manages spiritual truths
6. Not self willed
7. Not quick tempered
8. Not given to wine
9. Not violent
10. not greedy for money
11. hospitable
12. lover of what is good
13. sober minded
14 just
15. holy
16 self-controlled
17. holding fast the faithful word
18 able to exhort and convict those who contradict

Characteristics of False teachers
1. insubordinate
2. idle talkers
3. deceivers
4. believed salvation required circumcision (adding to the simple Gospel)
5. subvert whole households
6. for dishonest gain
7. defiled
8. unbelieving
9. mind and conscience defiled
10. profess to know God, but in works they deny Him. (Could this mean that they are self glorifying?)
11. They are abominable, disobedient and disqualified (cannot please God.)

2 Peter 3--Last days

Scoffers will come in the last day walking according to own lusts saying, "Where is the promise of His coming?"

Yikes! Do we not already see such scoffers? How many books are out on the market and even best sellers which are written by atheists claiming that there is no God? Come quickly, my Lord, come quickly!

But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

In these verses, ANY and ALL refer to His elect, not any and all of the people in the world. If it was anybody and all people, then logically one would be saying that God is not willing that anybody should perish and all should come to repentance. Then one would have to conclude that either He is not powerful enough to accomplish His will and therefore not God or that all men must be saved. Also, looking at the context of the verses. "Beloved" denotes who the "us" is in the verses. It was also given at the beginning of 2 Peter as those who" have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ." So in context these verses refer to the Beloved, who are defined as true Christians or the Elect throughout the ages.

The Day of the Lord will come suddenly. Heavens will pass away with a great noise, elements will melt. The earth and the works in it will be burned up. Look for and hasten (eagerly desire) the coming of the day of GOD (eternal state)

What we should be doing while waiting for His coming:
Look forward to His 2nd coming.
Be diligent to be found in Him
In peace (with assurance)
Without spot and blameless (obedient)

Beloved beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness being led away with error of wicked. But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The believer can get off track and led down a wrong path by error, but if he is truly God's sheep then God will deliver him. But to avoid this we should grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lord, help me to keep on learning!

2 Peter 2--False Teachers

False teachers are among YOU (in the Church). They will bring destructive heresies--denying the Lord.

There are 5 Essential Doctrines of Faith commonly accepted throughout the church
1. Inspiration and Infallibility of Scriptures.
2. Virgin Birth
3. Deity of Christ (can also be Trinity)
4. Bodily resurrection of Christ from dead.
5. 2nd coming of Christ.

These doctrines should be upheld by true teachers of the Word.

Characteristics False teachers
--speak evil of things they don't understand
--carouse in DAYtime (in full view--blatant open sin--don't care about getting caught)
--they feast with you (They are in the church)
--eyes full of adultery
--cannot cease from sin
--entice unstable souls
--heart trained in covetous practices
--forsaken the right way
--gone astray
--speak great swelling words
--allure through lust of the flesh
--slaves of corruption

Lord, give us discernment in these times to recognize these false teachers who are among us.

2 Peter 1--Fruitful living, Inspired Word

This book was written to those who have obtained (received) like precious faith by righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.

We start with saving faith, which is a gift from God. Then add virtue (deeds of excellence), then add knowledge (understand truth, study), then add self control (control fleshly passions), then add perseverance (patience, endurance), then add godliness (live reverently, loyally, obediently), then add brotherly kindness (sacrificial love), then add love (I Cor. 13, I Pet. 4:8)

If you have these things, you will be useful and effective and fruitful.

If you lack, then you are shortsighted and have forgotten you were cleansed from old sins.
Make your call and election sure, by doing the above.

Scripture is not of private interpretation. Prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God who spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
It wasn't men who wrote the Bible, but God through those men.

I Peter 5-Pastors, Attitudes

Elders (Pastor/Overseer)

They are told to shepherd the flock of God. The main job of a shepherd is to feed (teach). They are also to protect sheep.

How are they to shepherd?
Not by compulsion but willingly (avoid laziness)
Not for dishonest gain but eagerly (not overly concerned about money)
Nor as being lords over those entrusted to you (avoid demagoguery)
But being examples to the flock

Attitudes of Christians
--Trust God

Younger people should submit to elders. All should submit to one another and be clothed in humility. God resist the proud, gives grace to the humble. Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.

I Peter 4--Suffering

Since Christ suffered, arm yourself with the same mind that you should suffer in the flesh and cease from sin.
We should put to death that old dead man and make the flesh suffer by abstaining from those things that it takes pleasure in (lusts, pride, etc) and cease from sinning.

As nonbelievers, we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties and abominable idolatries. Non believing friends (once you've converted) think you should continue in this behavior and will speak evil of you. But they will give account to the Judge of the living and dead.

Be serious and watchful in your prayers.

Above all things have fervent love for one another. Love will cover a multitude of sins.
The pastor who married my sweetie and I admonished us that we should live in such a way that no one will know his faults through me. And vice-versa. I've always tried to live by those words. Of course, I can't think of anything negative about him anyway. He's just perfect for me!

Also we had friends who used to say "Love Covers." They especially would say this when they heard someone exposing the sin of someone else. The issue is not confronting sin for in other passages we are encouraged to to that. But there is an appropriate way to confront sin, and initially it is not publicly or to those who are not a part of the solution.

Be hospitable without grumbling. I love to have people over, but sometimes stress out right before they get here--trying to make things perfect. Unfortunately, the grumbling comes when the kids are not helping me reach that goal. I pray the Lord will help me to overcome and help them to be more helpful.

Use your gifts.
If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen

Pastor said all spiritual gifts could be broken down into 2 categories : speaking gifts and serving gifts.

Rejoice in trials that you are partaking of Christ's sufferings.

4 Attitudes we should have during Trials
--Expect it
--Rejoice in it
--Evaluate the cause
--Entrust to God

If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you!

Don't go looking for trouble by being a murderer, thief, evildoer or busybody.
It's interesting to me that a busybody is as bad as the others.

Judgement begins at the house of God

Praying for Others

Last week I heard neat sermon on the radio by Mike Faberez of Focal Point Radio on Colossians 1:9-12

For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and long suffering with joy;giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.

This passage contains 4 verbs that can help us as we pray for others. Just to preface, I don't think of this as a formula as much as part of an outline to help me as I pray for others.

So how can we pray for others?
1. That they would be fruitful. They would have good fruit as they grow in godliness. That they would increase in good deeds as evidence of the change Christ has made in their hearts and as they grow in Him. This is not a striving, but the outpouring of what He's done in our lives. Remembering that faith without works is dead. If there are no works in our lives, then we should examine ourselves to make sure that we are in the faith.

2. That they would increase in knowledge of God. This would include reading and studying the Bible, listening to sermons and applying them to our lives. Mentoring relationships, Bible studies, memorizing the Word, that each person on your prayer list would not be a hearer only, but a doer who acts, etc.

3. That they would be strengthened. Empowered by God to live a godly life. To overcome temptation and sin. To make it through trials and tribulations. To have the courage to stand up and face their fears. To overcome the flesh and its desires. To make it through each day. To obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit

4. That they would live joyfully, giving thanks to the Lord in everything. Not grumbling and complaining, but content and at peace.

These prayers have been added to my prayer list and I pray the Lord will use them to His glory!