Sunday, May 20, 2007

James 2-Part 1

Be careful of showing partiality. Do not look at outward appearance and make judgments.
Showing partiality is a sin.
When we show partiality we are not loving our neighbor. Think of the Good Samaritan. The important people who ought to have stopped and helped this dying man were too busy or too self-consumed to lift one finger to help him. And yet the least assuming one, the man who had been hated by Jews his entire life, was the one to help this man. He even went out of his way and above and beyond the call of duty to take this man to an inn and to pay his bills.

But let me preach to myself a bit...

I am guilty of looking on the outside. I am guilty of wanting to be with the clean and neat. And not just with myself, but also with my children. I don't want my children to be around bratty kids. Help me Lord to look past the outward appearance to the heart. Oh how filthy and vile I was before I knew you. But you sent someone to reach out to me. Use me, dear Lord to reach out to the lovely and unlovely alike. To the hurting--no matter what their outward appearance. Help me to set aside those things and to see the hurting heart. Ignite my love for the lost.

And help me Lord to see those who are hurting and dying right around me. Let me not be too busy or self-consumed to even stop to lend a hand. May your agenda be higher than mine.

If you stumble in one point of the Law, you are guilty of breaking all. Most of us cannot even name 5 of the commandments much less all 10. So a refresher is in order.

Have you ever lied (9th commandment)? Have you stolen (8th commandment)? Have you murdered (6th)? Jesus said that if you have hatred in your heart for a brother it is the same as murder. Have you committed adultery (7th)? Jesus said that if you have looked at another with lust then you are guilty of adultery. How about loving the Lord with all of your heart (1st)? Does every thought and deed begin and end with Him? Are you doing everything to the glory and honor of God? How about making an idol (2nd)? Upon reading the Bible, have you ever thought, "Oh God wouldn't do that?" Have you created in your mind god who suits you better? Have you ever taken the name of the Lord who created you in vain (3rd)? That's is called blasphemy and the Lord will not hold him blameless who takes His name in vain. Or just as bad, are you living a life of hypocrisy-saying that you love the Lord, but your life is not showing it? Have you always honored your father and mother (5th)? Done everything they've asked you to do with a good attitude? Have you always remembered to keep the Sabbath (4th)? To set aside one day for worshipping God and gathering with other saints? And finally, have you ever wanted something that belongs to someone else (10th)? Who in American can say that they have not coveted something? Advertisers get rich by promoting their products to entice us to want more.

If you're honest, you, along with me, know that we've broken these Laws numerous times. But even if we've only broken one. Then we are guilty before a holy God. He is holy, holy, holy and sin offends Him--so much so that He WILL punish sin because He is a righteous Judge. And according to the Bible, we've all offended Him. We are lawbreakers by nature. BUT..

He has made a way for us to be made right. Jesus came to pay the penalty for the sins we've committed. He took the punishment that we deserve. He suffered, bled and died to take away the sins of those who will repent and trust in Him. Turn away from your sin. Cry out to God and ask Him to forgive you by the blood of Jesus. Confess your sin before Him and ask Him to cleanse you. There is no sin that He can't or won't forgive. Nothing too big that can't be forgiven. Lay your heart before Him. He already knows it all anyway. And then trust that by the blood of Jesus you are forgiven.

Then read your Bible and do what it says. Live to glorify God. That's what you were created to do.