Saturday, December 29, 2007

Pictures from our 1st Tea

Pictures from our first tea. First picture is all of the ladies in attendance. Second picture of me and K.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


This year the ladies of our clan are beginning a new tradition--an annual Christmas Tea. Our tea will be in a couple of days at my house and I'm busily preparing for everyone to come and enjoy a relaxing time. I so love having everyone over! It is one of my greatest joys in life.

And as I've been physically preparing my home, I've been thinking on the idea of traditions. Why are they so meaningful and when did the idea of traditions start?

I think if we look back to the Bible we can definitely see the traditions that God instituted during the time of Moses (i.e. the feasts and festivals, as well as the oral tradition and the rituals of the Levitical priests, etc.)

But upon further reflection, I think the idea of traditions started when man did--at the beginning. You see, Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). It was their practice to meet with God--to fellowship with Him and to learn from Him.

And when I think of this new tradition that is exactly what I hope for my dd, K--that she would cherish this tradition as a time to fellowship with the wonderful godly women of our family and to learn from them.

For me traditions, bring comfort, security, and identity. They hold a special place in my heart as all that was good in my childhood. We had many traditions in my family at Christmas--hanging up our favorite ornaments from year to year, then hanging icicles on all of the branches making sure that you put just the right amount on each branch. We made Christmas cutout cookies every year. And on Christmas Eve, we always had one present to open. You guessed it--Jammies! Grandma always gave us a new ornament for our tree every year and I still use most of them for my tree today.

Christmas Day was all about the food and being with family. Grandma was the best cook in town and she even let my cousin and I help set the table and put garnish on the food. Then after dinner my cousins, my brother and I would put together a Christmas play using our favorite gifts from that Christmas.

My children have many of these same traditions and some new ones from their Daddy's side of the family and others that we've incorporated over the years. As a funny aside, this year I asked the boys if we could change a few things. They were shocked that I would even mention it and told me in no uncertain terms that they'll have the traditions like they are--thank you very much!

I pray that the traditions that we have as a family will give them a sense of family identity and truly fond memories of our family. And as they grow up and leave the nest, they will have a strong sense of identity that will carry them through the seasons of their lives.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Reflection

I was thinking about Christmas this morning while I was making breakfast and before everyone was up.

All the preparation up to "the event." The decorating, putting up the Christmas tree, purchasing gifts and wrapping them and putting them under the tree, Advent devotionals, the Advent calendar, buying the food for Christmas breakfast and Christmas dinner. Each thing a sign that Christmas is getting closer.

And how we all anticipate the moment-- The kids waking up and sitting on the top step, then coming down to open stockings. The excitement is so real. It's even hard for the kids (and me) to sleep on Christmas Eve cause we are so excited.

And I had the thought that that same anticipation should be how I feel about the Lord Jesus returning. As the signs get closer my heart should leap and the return of my King. And as I think on that moment when I see my Lord face to face and reflect on his return I am filled with that same anticipation that I felt this morning. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. For your bride has made herself ready!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Memorizing Scripture

I've decided it's time to get serious about memorizing scripture. I've gone back and forth with memorizing a verse here and there. But I've been challenged how JJ has memorized James 1 and is working on James 2.

I just read this article by Dr. Davis on the Value of Scripture Memorization and intend to put this into practice.

Since our church is going through Colossians, I figure that would be a good place to start.

So my start date for memorizing Colossians is December 12th. And my goal for finishing is April 9th.

May the Lord bless the meditation of His Word and help me to accomplish this goal.