Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Last weekend, our boys participated in an NCFCA speech tournament.

All 3 of the of boys did very well and we are excited about how much they are learning as they become more effective communicators for Christ.

Z--His topic was on the dangers of using movies as a main topic in preaching. It was a relevant message on getting back to expository preaching. How encouraging to hear such a strong message from a 14 yo!!

J--Placed 2nd in Open Interp for his version of The 3 Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.

JJ--Placed 3rd in Jr. Oratory for his speech on Funding for NASA.

Homeschooling to the Glory of God

2007 was a year of new revelation for me. I got a glimpse of my true purpose in life...To glorify God in everything that I say, do, think and feel.

Now this may seem simple and trite. But I assure you that this is no small task and I fail frequently. But I am being transformed by the renewing of my mind. And I am ever more mindful of of my sinful ways and my sinful motives.

I am constantly asking myself, "Why are you acting that way?" "Why are you feeling that way?" "Why are you doing things that way?" and "Why are you saying things that way and with that tone?" and finally, "Are you bringing glory to God with that thought, word or deed?"

And bottom line is if it not for the glory of God, then to me it is sin .

So, I've been digging deep into my heart even in regards to homeschooling. And I thought I'd share some food for thought:

Why am I homeschooling?

In all honesty for me, it has always been to avoid the negatives of traditional schools and gain the positives of homeschooling. The positives were close family relationships, better character, ability to train my kids in the way we thought best (using the Bible), and academic excellence. The negatives were avoiding peer pressure and accessibility (and frequent contact) to sinful attitudes, behaviors and actions (disrespect, rebellion, drugs, promiscuity, etc),

And if I look even further into my heart, I would see some even uglier things--like wanting my kids to be a trophy of some sort (better, smarter, kinder, with godlier character). And I find that in the end it all leads to sinful pride.

So what is the remedy? Christ alone! You see Jesus is not interested in what's in it for me and how He can make me look better (or even my kids to look great). It's all about the glory of God. When I teach my children, it should be to the glory of God. What am I teaching them? How am I acting towards them? What am I saying to them?

On a daily basis, I need to put away such futile and fleeting thoughts about how great my children are. Of course I love them and think they are great. But what is the purpose of my training? It HAS to be for the glory of God, so that He can use them to bring glory to Himself. Otherwise, I'm just teaching them to be prideful, arrogant, haughty, self-righteous, and even lazy. And these attitudes will do nothing but lead them astray.

When we focus on ourselves and what's in it for us and how we are better than others, we are only following our sin nature and our flesh. And I would even venture to say that when we compare ourselves to other kinds of schools, many times we are doing that as well. We need to be careful of such thoughts and words for we do not know the paths of others that God will use to bring glory to Himself.

So my question to you today is why are you homeschooling? Search your heart and see what's really in there. And if you, like me, are convicted by what you see, I pray you will repent and ask the Lord to change you from the inside.

May we always seek to honor and glorify the Lord in everything we do, say, think and feel.