Friday, July 13, 2007

II Thes 3--Faithful & Loving God, Work

The Lord is faithful who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.
I love the fact that God is my protector. I used to think that the devil was always out to get me and that every bad thing that happened to me was a result of the devil behind every bush. And it is true that he is out to get me, but he doesn't have free access to me. The Lord allows certain things in my life to teach me and to help me to grow. To build character so to speak. My 1 year old daughter runs to me (or her daddy) when she needs protection. May I be quick to run to my Savior as well.

May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and the patience of Christ
It seems odd to hear people talk of God as a hateful and harsh dictator. And perhaps I used to think that as well. But as I read the Word, I find the Father to be so very loving. Yes, He chastises His children and sometimes quite harshly. But it is for their benefit and according to His sovereign plan. And oh how sweet is the patience of Christ. I can not tell you how many times He has patiently put up with me and my slowness to understand and my disobedient and prideful nature. But I am so very grateful that He hasn't given up on me. And He won't ever. May my heart rest in God's love and Christ's patience toward me.

Withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition you received from us.
This again is talking about a brother who is in sin. We are to withdraw from him with the hope that he will turn from his sin and back to the straight and narrow path. It is for his benefit, not to be hurtful or unkind.

If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.

I think my boys have missed a lunchtime or 2 because of this verse. But they know that if they don't work, neither shall they eat. Fortunately, their tummies are great motivators for them to get moving and start working harder. And food is quickly provided as soon as the work is complete. I believe it was John Smith of the Jamestown settlement that had the policy that if the settlers did not work, they would not eat. And the settlement was the first to survive and thrive. Work is a part of being in a family. We are a team and each person is needed for the team to do well. And even my little K. is starting to help by picking up her toys.

For some don't work and are busy bodies. They should work in quietness and eat their own bread.

I'm reminded of the old saying, "Idle hands are the devil's playthings." Many bad things happen when we are idle.

Do not grow weary in doing good.

This is a favorite verse, especially in childrearing and homeschooling. And it is repeated in Galatians 6:9. There are times when I am discouraged or frustrated with the fruit in my children's lives. But I pray that as I continue on in this journey of motherhood and continue to seek the Lord for wisdom that He will capture my children's hearts. And in due season, I will reap what I've sown in their lives.

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