Friday, July 13, 2007

I Cor 4--Faithful stewards, Praise, What we do

It is required of a steward to be found faithful.

This is an interesting verse. We live in such a time that many feel that they can just say a Sinner's Prayer and then live how they want and sin how they want without consequence. After all, their sins are forgiven. But this verse seems to suggest that it is required of true believers to be found faithful.

Judge nothing before the time. The Lord will bring to light hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the heart. Each one's praise will come from God.

We should be looking to please the Lord, not men. Oh how often, I fail at this. For me, it's not so much that I want men's praise, as much as I fear their hurtful and unkind reactions. I do so want to be "liked." But I know I must get over this and desire the Lord's praise and pleasure! For only then will I be truly fulfilled.

We shouldn't be trying to make affiliations (Paul or Apollos). We are Christ's and He is the head.
Paul rebukes the Corinthians for being self-satisfied that they had already achieved spiritual greatness. We should be humble and that is not so hard when we focus on Christ's righteousness and our own sinfulness. And the cross. Or is it? Why do I fail so miserably thinking that I'm doing great one week--only to fail the next. Help me to be humble, dear Lord.

Paul urges the Corinthians to imitate him. Going back to v 12, we find that they should be working with own hands, blessing those who revile, enduring persecution, being made filth.

Working with hands--This reminds me of the old saying, "Idle hands are the devil's plaything." Certainly keeping busy with your hands will keep one from too much mischief.

Blessing those who revile you--Oh how difficult it is to bless those who are hurting you! But by God's strength it can be done.

Enduring persecution--I tend to be one who avoids persecution. I just want to be liked. But I'm realizing more and more that it is more important to obey the Lord and follow His ways and be faithful to speaking the truth in love than it is to be liked. I pray the Lord will continue to help me here.

Being made filth--Living in humility. Thinking of others as more important than myself. Someday I'd like to read CJ Mahaney's book Humility. Sounds like a good one!

The kingdom of God is not in word but in power.

Spiritual character is measured not by the impressiveness of words, but in the power of the life. It's easy to say things, but much harder to do. I find that I often times fail at implementing new behaviors and attitudes. But I think it's just as important to get up, dust myself off, and continue. I'll never succeed if I don't try. And I know the Lord will help me as I continue to pursue Him. I pray my life will be more than just words, but be an example of God's power in my life. For I know I can do nothing on my own.

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