Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Timothy 4--Falling Away, Exercising Faith

In latter times, some will depart from faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, conscience seared, forbidden to marry, commanding to abstain from certain foods.

Depart from the faith doesn't mean that they will be saved and then unsaved. Just that some professing to be believers will leave true faith. They will be deceived and give heed to false doctrines. They will speak lies and be hypocrites. Their consciences will be seared. Their hearts will not be able to be pricked and stirred to repentance over their sins 'cause they won't care that they are sinning. And they will have external legalistic rules that will take precedence over what truly matters. It's sad to me that we are not far from this scenario in these days. But our hope lies in that He's coming soon!

Exercise yourself toward godliness.
Exercise is work! Actually, I hate exercise. It's just no fun. But it is necessary in order to be strong and not flabby. In the same way, if we are to be spiritually strong and fit, we must exercise ourselves towards godliness. This is daily living--making the right choices to glorify God instead of self, being disciplined to study the Word and pray, to do good deeds and bear good fruit, and to love even when we don't feel like it.

Let no one despise your youth but be an example in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Timothy was in his 30's when given this admonition. I guess that means I'm still youthful. :-)
But the call is to be an example in everything we say, do, think and feel. Much harder to do than to say. Oh, I pray I will continue to grow in this area!

Give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.

I'm of the opinion that much of what's wrong in the church at large is that we don't follow this command. Most of the church doesn't read the Bible and therefore does not know what it says or how to apply it to their lives. They are simply blindly following eloquent leaders who are leading them down dangerous paths.

Do not neglect the gift that is in you.
I'm not sure what my gifts are. I've been told hospitality and exhortation and prophecy. If so, then may it all be done for the glory of the Lord. May I be found faithfully serving you, Lord Jesus, when you return!

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