Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Timothy 2--Salvation for all men? Women in the Church

Exhort that supplications, prayers and intercessions be made for all {kinds of} men: kings, all in authority. For this is good and acceptable in sight of God, our Savior who desires all {kinds of}men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth.

Here is another verse that is used by some to say that all men can be saved.
I looked up two popular teachers from the reformed view and here is what they had to say:
John McArthur--God's desires are not the same as God's sovereign plan.
James White--From the context of the surrounding verses, the text reads that God desires all (kinds of) men to be saved.

I think I like White's reasoning better. It seems weird to think of God wanting something that He doesn't do. But I could be wrong. I just logically like Dr. White's explanation better.

I desire that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting. McArthur says the word "doubting" could be better translated as dissention. That makes sense that we should take care of all anger, sin, and any other thing that could cause disunity before coming before a holy God.

Women adorn modest apparel with propriety and moderations, not with braided hair or gold pearls or costly clothing.

What does our dress say about us? What distractions are we creating for those around us who are trying to worship God?

Let women learn in silence with all submission. Not leaders in the church.
Do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man.

I take this literally and believe that it is saying that women should not teach men in the church. The reason as given in the scripture is because women are more susceptible to deceit. This goes all way back to garden. Therefore I think we have to say that it is still applicable today.

Saved (from reproach) in childbearing when she continues in faith, love and holiness with self-control.

A woman is not saved from hell by bearing children. But is was a woman who led mankind into sin, and Christian women have an opportunity to lead many out of sin to godliness through the joy of raising godly children.

I pray that the Lord will continue to give me wisdom, love, patience and everything else I need to raise these 4 blessings that He's entrusted to my sweetie and I.

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