Saturday, December 29, 2007
Pictures from our 1st Tea
Pictures from our first tea. First picture is all of the ladies in attendance. Second picture of me and K.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
And as I've been physically preparing my home, I've been thinking on the idea of traditions. Why are they so meaningful and when did the idea of traditions start?
I think if we look back to the Bible we can definitely see the traditions that God instituted during the time of Moses (i.e. the feasts and festivals, as well as the oral tradition and the rituals of the Levitical priests, etc.)
But upon further reflection, I think the idea of traditions started when man did--at the beginning. You see, Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). It was their practice to meet with God--to fellowship with Him and to learn from Him.
And when I think of this new tradition that is exactly what I hope for my dd, K--that she would cherish this tradition as a time to fellowship with the wonderful godly women of our family and to learn from them.
For me traditions, bring comfort, security, and identity. They hold a special place in my heart as all that was good in my childhood. We had many traditions in my family at Christmas--hanging up our favorite ornaments from year to year, then hanging icicles on all of the branches making sure that you put just the right amount on each branch. We made Christmas cutout cookies every year. And on Christmas Eve, we always had one present to open. You guessed it--Jammies! Grandma always gave us a new ornament for our tree every year and I still use most of them for my tree today.
Christmas Day was all about the food and being with family. Grandma was the best cook in town and she even let my cousin and I help set the table and put garnish on the food. Then after dinner my cousins, my brother and I would put together a Christmas play using our favorite gifts from that Christmas.
My children have many of these same traditions and some new ones from their Daddy's side of the family and others that we've incorporated over the years. As a funny aside, this year I asked the boys if we could change a few things. They were shocked that I would even mention it and told me in no uncertain terms that they'll have the traditions like they are--thank you very much!
I pray that the traditions that we have as a family will give them a sense of family identity and truly fond memories of our family. And as they grow up and leave the nest, they will have a strong sense of identity that will carry them through the seasons of their lives.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Reflection
I was thinking about Christmas this morning while I was making breakfast and before everyone was up.
All the preparation up to "the event." The decorating, putting up the Christmas tree, purchasing gifts and wrapping them and putting them under the tree, Advent devotionals, the Advent calendar, buying the food for Christmas breakfast and Christmas dinner. Each thing a sign that Christmas is getting closer.
And how we all anticipate the moment-- The kids waking up and sitting on the top step, then coming down to open stockings. The excitement is so real. It's even hard for the kids (and me) to sleep on Christmas Eve cause we are so excited.
And I had the thought that that same anticipation should be how I feel about the Lord Jesus returning. As the signs get closer my heart should leap and the return of my King. And as I think on that moment when I see my Lord face to face and reflect on his return I am filled with that same anticipation that I felt this morning. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. For your bride has made herself ready!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Memorizing Scripture
I've decided it's time to get serious about memorizing scripture. I've gone back and forth with memorizing a verse here and there. But I've been challenged how JJ has memorized James 1 and is working on James 2.
I just read this article by Dr. Davis on the Value of Scripture Memorization and intend to put this into practice.
Since our church is going through Colossians, I figure that would be a good place to start.
So my start date for memorizing Colossians is December 12th. And my goal for finishing is April 9th.
May the Lord bless the meditation of His Word and help me to accomplish this goal.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Spiritual Spaghetti
By Debbie Lindstrom
Oct 30, 2007
Ahh…spaghetti! Just the thought of it makes one’s mouth water. The soft and chewy pasta cooked to perfection—al dente, of course. The rich savory tomato sauce laden with spices and tender veggies. And don’t forget the meat! It’s not real spaghetti unless there’s meat in it. Each part is essential to the making of a meal that is one of my family’s favorites and I’m sure yours as well. Today I’d like to take a different look at spaghetti and show how this favorite meal can remind us of our Christian walk.
Spaghetti has 3 essential parts: the pasta, the sauce and the meat. Together these 3 ingredients give us a wonderful nutritious meal that helps us to be healthy and strong. In the same way there are 3 aspects of our Christian walk that if we will be faithful to do, we will be spiritually healthy and strong.
The first ingredient in spaghetti is the pasta. Pasta is a carbohydrate and useful for quick daily energy. Carbohydrates are filling and quickly satisfy cravings and hunger pangs. But as Christians, we also need quick energy for our daily walk. We have a hunger for the things of God that daily needs to be satisfied. How can we get this quick spiritual energy? By praying, worshiping, and thanking God. As we turn our hearts to focus on the Lord in these acts of worship, our energy is renewed. As we sing songs of praise even when we don’t “feel like it,” somehow our outlook on life is changed. What seemed so big at the moment now seems so small in light of an infinite God and eternity. Instead of focusing and worrying about our problems, we can turn them over to God and trust Him to help us endure through to the end of that trial. We can pray for others and lift up their needs as well. And by doing so, our problems seem to diminish. And instead of looking at our lack, we can praise God for all the blessings that we have in Him. So the next time, you are feeling low and need some energy in your day, grab some spiritual carbs and start worshipping, praying and thanking God. But carbs by themselves are kinda bland and usually need something to give them some flavor.
Gong back to the spaghetti, it’s the sauce that gives it its flavor and spice. And we need flavor in our spiritual lives! We tend to get in ruts and routines. We tend to just go through the motions. But God is so good to spice up our lives by giving us daily opportunities to glorify Him. It may be by serving others, helping someone in your family, calling a friend to offer encouragement, sharing a bit of wisdom from God’s word to a hard situation, sharing the Gospel with a stranger, working through a conflict in a godly way. The list is endless and unique to each individual. Look for opportunities that God gives to spice up your life! And purpose in your heart to glorify Him! This is no small task and many times we fail. But the good news is that the recipe is not spoiled by our failures. We usually get the opportunity to try that test again to gain victory in our lives. What joy there is in serving the Lord! There is such pleasure in knowing that the Lord has somehow used us to bless someone else. So like every good spaghetti sauce, don’t skimp on the spices. Use every opportunity that God brings your way to glorify and enjoy Him.
Now pasta and sauce are delicious. But if our meal doesn’t have any meat, it won’t stick with us. Meat is a protein to give us strength and build muscle. And just as we need to exercise our physical muscles, we also need to develop our spiritual muscles. Our spiritual lives need meat too, and God has provided through the meat of His Word. As we feed on His Word, we will be strengthened. Through the Word, God shows us what He requires of us. We find out what displeases Him. We gain wisdom for walking our daily lives. We learn to trust Him because of His faithfulness throughout the generations. We learn how to solve problems and how to relate to others.
Oh the depth of the Word! Libraries of books have been written on what the Bible contains and yet there is still more that we can glean from it. It is the best selling book of all time and for a reason, because it is God’s love letter to us--full of love, encouragement for daily living, and wisdom. It shows us where we’ve failed and how to get back up. When all else fails, we can go to the Word and there are words of life to spur us on. And as we daily feed on His word, we are strengthened in our faith. We need the Word to have the stamina to make it through each day. And by disciplining ourselves to read the Bible daily, we develop spiritual muscles to fight the battles that come our way. Battles such as laziness, contentment, laying down our lives for others when what we really want is for others to lay down their lives for us. We learn to emulate Christ, our Lord, by laying down our lives for others instead of satisfying our own fleshly desires. The Word is essential to our walk and our spiritual food. It satisfies our souls, just as spaghetti satisfies our palette.
So the next time you eat a plate of spaghetti, I encourage you to think about your spiritual walk. Are you incorporating a good balance of all the ingredients necessary for your spiritual health? Spaghetti that is lacking just one of these ingredients just isn't the same. In the same way, we need all these disciplines for our daily walk with the Lord. And as we learn to glorify Him, our lives will be more enjoyable just like a well-balanced plate of spaghetti! Bon a petit!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Glorifying God
What is the chief end of man?
And the answer is:
Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
And so I am learning that this is much deeper than I at first thought.
It seems easy to glorify God. To praise Him daily in all circumstances whether good or bad.
But at all times of the day? Am I glorifying Him in every thought, word, and deed?
I've even been thinking on my motivations for deeds. If I had to give one motivation for most of my good deeds, it would be to bless others. And while this may be a good motivation, I'm afraid it's not the best. You see, when I am looking to bless others, my heart may still be off the mark. What benefit is there to me for wanting to bless others? While I think my motivations are mostly pure, I'm wondering if I do not derive some benefit in blessing others--a good reputation, kind words, expressed appreciation, etc. And I admit some pride that comes from those things and some amount of self-gratification. There is some of ME in the equation.
Instead, I think my motivation in every thought, word and deed should be to glorify God. This is a huge paradigm shift for me. For if I am looking only for God's glory, then when the accolades do not come, when I am overlooked or unappreciated, then I can just trust the Lord that somehow He is getting glory--instead of wanting even some small part for myself.
Now how to live that out, that is another story. But I pray that the Lord will help me! For truly I cannot do it on my own! And may it be all for His glory!!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Ephesians 3
That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:
That the wall of separation that has existed between Jew and Gentile has been removed through Christ and there is now no Jew or Greek (Rom 10:12), nor slave or free, nor male or female in Christ (Gal. 3:28).
And Paul was given grace to preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,
I know that non-Christians cannot understand the depth that is contained in the Bible. But when I read it, I am amazed at how much I learn. NO matter how many times I've read a particular passage there is still more that I can learn as the Holy Spirit illuminates it to me. And no matter how much grace and how many blessings I've received as a result of following Christ, there are still more blessings tomorrow. It reminds me of the passage in Revelation 4 where the elders (after the the 4 living creatures proclaim God's holiness) fall down to worship Him. They are constantly proclaiming God's holiness--night and day, 24 hours a day! It seems like at some point they would know everything about God. But the elders continually get new revelation that causes them to continually fall down on their faces and worship!
And there's more! We have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him.
Just thinking in the natural. But not everyone has access to the President or king of a country. You have to have certain security clearances and a reason to be in His presence. When we come to know Christ, we have access to the King of Kings! The God of the Universe! And not only that we can come boldly and with confidence. We are his children and He delights in us and desires for us to come to him as we would a loving father. With our joys, triumphs, victories, defeats, struggles, needs, EVERYTHING.
Then Paul asks for 3 things:
1. That he [God] would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
2. that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith;
3. that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height-- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
In other words, that we would be strengthened by the Holy Spirit, that Christ would dwell in our hearts and that we would understand the depth of Christ's love.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. AmenWhat more can be said. He is so much greater than us. His ways are so much higher than ours. He is infinite, transcendent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. I am not. And so I cannot even begin to comprehend Him. The small grain of sand of knowledge that I have of Him is so precious and I pray that maybe someday I'll have 2 grains. But it will never compare to the ocean full of sand that He is. And to know that He loves me and desires to reveal Himself to me is such a wonderful thought! To Him be the Glory forever and ever. AMEN
Ephesians 2
These are strong verses. We were dead and Christ made us alive. I don't see how a dead man can do anything. He doesn't move, he doesn't say anything, and he doesn't breathe. So I don't see how a dead man can choose God. I think that it is God who does the choosing and then once our eyes are open then we choose Him. In other words before the foundation of the world, God elected us. We were dead in our sins and unable to choose Him. Then at some point in the lives of the elect, when God deemed the exact right time, their eyes are opened to His goodness and they are given the choice to choosing him or to continue in their sin. And then it's kinda like choosing life or death. Who would be foolish enough to reject life? It is our nature before God opens our eyes to choose things that lead to death. But once God opens our eyes we have the ability to see the greatness of God and the ability to choose life.
we were children of wrath.
We had a discussion about this in our apologetics class. And according to these verses I believe that this is saying before we were saved we were children of wrath. And even though we are of the elect, before we are justified we are enemies of God and deserving of His wrath.
But God (even when we were dead in trespasses) made us alive together with Christ.
Again, we are dead, so we have no ability to choose. It was God who made us alive with Christ.
That He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus.
And why did He do it? To show the exceeding riches of His grace. So that all of creation can marvel that He chose a sinner like me. So that He can get ALL the glory. And when God chooses a sinner such as me, then there is no glory that I can claim for myself. I did absolutely nothing to merit His mercy or grace.
For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Could this be a nail in the coffin for Open Theism? (The idea that God doesn't know the future. He only responds to it as it happens.) This verse is saying that not only did He choose me before the foundation of the world. He also had good works prepared for me to do.
Now I don't believe that I am some robot that has no choice in the matter. It's kinda like this--when I come to a fork in the road, God can block the ways he doesn't want me to go and then the choice is mine. There may be some ways that are better than others. And depending on where I am in my spiritual walk, I may choose better or worse. And through it all God is in control. He already knows what decisions I'll make and what temptations I'll face. And He teaches me and helps me to learn lessons and to grow in godliness even when my choice is not the best one or I am choosing sinfully.
An example from my life is my dear K. Oh how many lessons I have learned through that situation. But I believe God gave me the choice to submit to my husband for another child. And I chose correctly. But...had I not chosen correctly, God could have intervened and given us a child miraculously regardless of my choice. And I would have failed the test and had regrets. But knowing that I passed that test only makes my sweet K only more dear to my heart.
Now you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.
Citizenship was a great privilege during the Roman Empire. If you were a Roman citizen, you had more opportunity, protections and privileges that those who were not citizens. But we are not earthly citizens. We are citizens of God's Kingdom. And not only citizens, but members of the household of God. What it must have been like to be a member of Augustus Caesar's family. The riches, the privilege, the power, the protection of the emperor, and stature. But God's family provides us with His riches in Christ, the same power that raised Christ from the dead, the protection of God Himself, and the stature to be called a Son of God!! Awesome!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The NEA vs. Homeschooling
The National Education Association recently held its 2007 convention in Philadelphia and passed a number of resolutions, including one on home schooling. Below is the national teacher's union's position on what should be adopted by each state regarding home education. This is a reminder of why we must be actively on guard to defend our freedom to homeschool.
"B-75. Home Schooling. The National Education Association believes that home schooling programs based on parental choice cannot provide the student with a comprehensive education experience. When home schooling occurs, students enrolled must meet all state curricular requirements, including the taking of assessments to ensure adequate academic progress. Home schooling should be limited to the children of the immediate family, with all expenses being born by the parents/guardians. Instruction should be by persons who are licensed by the appropriate state education licensure agency, and a curriculum approved by the state department of education should be used.
"The Association also believes that home-schooled students should not participate in any extracurricular activities in the public schools...."
As my children near high school, I've been questioning myself about the homeschooling journey.
What if they could get better academics in a different institution? (Public or private)
What if they could have access to better extracurricular activities?
Is homeschooling the BEST option for where we are in our lives right now?
Should we continue to homeschool through high school?
And the ultimate question-- why are we homeschooling?
As I've been searching my heart, I've had to figure out what is most important to me. Do I just want smart children? Or do I have a higher goal?
The NEA doesn't seem to think that we (homeschool parents) can provide everything that our children need for a "comprehensive education experience." And I wonder what they mean by that. Perhaps I won't be able to provide the absolute best academics in every subject or access to all extracurricular experiences. But what I can provide is much greater! A stable home environment where they can learn to love God and serve others. A place where they can learn more about our Lord and where they can learn how to defend their faith against the attacks from the world instead of having to fight those fights before they are ready.
In 2003 NHERI (National Home Educators Research Institute did a study and found that 75-85% of CHRISTIAN youth who attended public schools renounce their faith and/or quit going to church within 2 years after high school graduation. While 93% of homeschooled students continued to attend church and 94% of homeschooled adults strongly agreed to the statement: "My religious beliefs are basically the same as those of my parents."
And for me, I realized that my ultimate goal is to raise children who love the Lord and want to glorify Him in everything they do, say, think and feel. Not that they always attain that goal, but that they want to. And homeschooling provides the best odds of them succeeding in the ultimate goal of knowing God and learning how to serve others.
And so I've been asking myself, questions like "So in light of my ultimate goal, does it matter that they may not get the latest, most-up-to-date Science with fabulous labs? Does it matter that they may not have access to multitudes of opportunities for extracurricular activities? Does it matter that I don't have time to do everything that I want to do with them? And how can I make my priorities line up with my ultimate goal?
And I don't have all the answers yet. But I did talk to my dh about this and we are in agreements that our ultimate goal is to raise warriors for the Kingdom of God and that homeschooling is the BEST option for us to accomplish this goal. Of course we don't know what tomorrow will bring, but best case scenario we will continue to homeschool through high school despite what NEA or anyone else may think.
And lest anyone, think that I am slacking on academics...ask my children or my friends. ;-)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Ephesians 1
Grace be to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
This indicates the equivalence of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, The Lord Jesus Christ = God.
We are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.
The blessings are for those in Christ. These blessings include righteousness, resources, privilege, position, and power. (Romans 8:16-17) Wow! We are so blessed in Christ and sometimes we forget. We live our lives with no joy and gloomy faces. And yet, if there was no other blessing other than salvation from eternal damnation, we should rejoice! Oh help me, dear Lord, to remember your blessings and to be grateful (and joyful) for all you have done!!
He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.
I know that not everyone will agree with me here and I'm not trying to convince, just put down in words what I believe. I believe that God chose His elect before the foundation of the world. God chose me before the beginning of the world. The choosing was determined by him and those who are chosen are called the elect. There is nothing that I can do to merit that choosing. He did it all! He gets all the glory. And that makes me grateful. If it were any other way, then one would have to ask, "What makes me different than the soul who did not choose?" "What was in me that made me choose and someone else not choose?" Andthat begs the question, "Was there something special about me that caused me to choose Him while someone else didn't?" And it sort of leads to a view that man initiates his own salvation. I will speak to this more when I get to Chapter 2. But for now, I'll leave with this thought if there was something in me that would cause me to choose and someone else not to choose, then that would make me special and would be the cause of God choosing me. And then God would be choosing based on something that I did which would make him a respecter of persons which is contrary to Acts 10:34 and I understand it.
He chose us ... to be holy and without blame before Him.
Our purpose is to be holy. The result is that we are without blame.
In love, He predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself.
Again, my soteriology says that the predestination happened before the foundation of the world and it was God who chose the elect to be adopted as sons. And when we are adopted into God's family we are given us His own nature. Earthly adoptive parents cannot pass on their traits to the adopted child. But God is able to change us into new creatures who now desire to glorify Him.
Predestined according to the good pleasure of HIS will
It is not our will that makes us predestined, but HIS will. These next few verses also underscore that it is God's work and not ours.
In Christ we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace when HE made to abound towrad us in all wisdom and prudence. HE made known.. He purposed in HIMself. In Him we also have obtained an inheritance being predestined according to the purpose of HIM who works all things according to the counsel of HIS will.
My understanding here may be very simple. But it seems that there are too many HE and HIMs to overlook the fact that HE did it all.
You trusted after you HEARD the word of truth--the Gospel. You believed and were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
People need to hear the Gospel and it is our job to proclaim it. I fear that I have fallen very short of this lately and need to get back to sharing the Good news with others. Also, here is the progression mentioned. First you hear, then you trust. When you believed, then you were sealed with the HOly Spirit. Can a true believer (one of the elect) be unsealed? I do not believe so and therefore I think this verse points to the perseverance of the saints.
I have heard of your faith and love for all saints.
Throughout the epistles, true faith is accompanied with love for the brethren. If one does not have love for the brethren , then he should examine his heart.
[Paul's] Prayers [are] that God may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.
We need to have more of a revelation of who God is in our lives. When we really know Him, it gives us strength, courage, love and patience for others, joy, and everything else we need to live a life that is pleasing to Him. I pray that this would be manifest in my life. Help me to learn more and to know you better, dear Lord!
So that we know the hope of our calling, the riches of the glory of His inheritance, the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe.
If I were to focus on knowing Him more, I would understand the hope in my calling, the riches of the glory of His inheritance and the exceeding greatness of His power towards me. Oh how often, I look at myself, my struggles, my shortcomings, how I'm being treated in certain situations. I have been convicted lately and asking myself--who are you thinking about? And most of the time, when I'm defeated, struggling, angry and upset, frustrated, I'm thinking about ME. I hope that someday this will change in my life. That I can always look to Christ and know these things are true and take hold of the knowledge that His has blessed me beyond what I can imagine.
This same power is the power that raised Christ from the dead.
When I think of the power that raised Christ from the dead, I think of an awesome power. And that is the power that He has in my life. Wow!! Now if I only I can remember!
Ephesians --Background
Ephesus is in modern day Turkey. And on the day we went there it was extremely hot! 104 degrees if I remember correctly. I wasn't feeling well on that day as it was toward the end of our trip and we had just gotten off the cruise so I didn't have my "land-legs" back. So I was in the words of Madame Blueberry, "Feeling woozy."
Ephesus was a commercial, port city. They were VERY wealthy and pagan. There were many prostitutes and they advertised their brothels in the concrete sidewalks. There was a large library in Ephesus. And they were known for their worship of Diana. Statues of her show her as a many-breasted goddess. And in reading Acts 19, one can see the encounters that Paul had with the Ephesians. In fact, the men of Ephesus got mad at Paul for preaching against their idol and ruining their business. They got together and shouted for 2 hours "Great is Diana of the Ephesians."
I think one thing that I find amazing in the day in which I live is that they would persist in that activity for 2 hours. We live in such a time that no one does anything for any lengthy amount of time and we get our information in 30-second sound bites.
There were 2 large gathering areas in Ephesus--one was an audion, the other was a great amphitheater. We were told that where Paul most likely met with the Ephesians was at the smaller audion.
Monday, August 27, 2007
I Corinthians 6-Unrighteous Living, Glorifying God
take it before the saints. It is better to be wronged or cheated than to sue a brother in the Lord.
The unrighteous will NOT inherit the Kingdom. Neither fornicators,
idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, sodomites, thieves, covetous, drunkards,
revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
I'm amazed at how the church is infiltrated with people who claim to be Christian and yet they continue to wallow in sin. I'm not talking about falling. But diving in the mud and filth. This verse seems very clear that we cannot just continue to behave in these ways and be partakers of the Kingdom of God. There are times when I don't "feel" close to the Lord. And perhaps I am in sin (whether knowingly or unknowingly), but I can't stay there for long and I pray that my response time will become shorter and shorter and I am cleansed more and more by the Lord and the washing of His Word.
You were washed. You were sanctified, you were justified.
Washed=regeneration, cleansed
Sanctified=New behavior, pattern of obedience and holiness
Justified=right standing before God
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful
How true!! Just because my flesh wants to drink Coke everyday (and it's lawful) doesn't mean that it's good for my body. And there are numerous other ways that this verse can apply.
Flee sexual immorality.
It is so easy to fall into temptation and society is inundated with explicit images and bombards us with continual sexually immoral messages. This is an area in which we must protect ourselves. For me, I do not hug or touch any other man but my sweetie. Also, I think it is important to not put oneself in a situation where you are alone with a man...even a Christian man. I think avoiding the appearance of evil in such cases is just as important as protecting yourself and the man from any temptation. Also as women of God, I think it is important to keep your sweetie's love tank full so that he is not tempted.
Glorify God in your body and spirit, which are God's.
This is our ultimate glorify God in everything we DO, SAY, THINK and FEEL.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thoughts on Marriage
Below are excepts of an email I sent to her.
T is my bestest and dearest friend in the whole world---other than Jesus. And the only way that I can possibly love T is to love the Lord more. So my first bit of advice is to seek the Lord and ask Him to help you make your sweetie a priority. Ask Him to give you creative ideas on how you can improve your relationship.
Here are some things that I do or have done in the past:
1. NEVER speak poorly of your husband. Always speak only kind and uplifting things about him. This comes easy for me cause I really can't think of anything negative. :-) But on our wedding day, the pastor who married us said to us that we should cover one another. That others should not see Todd's flaws because I was there to cover them and show only his good side and vice versa. And so I made it a practice to only speak highly of him. When friends would say bad things about their husbands, I chose not to enter into those discussions. This means even little side remarks that may be true, but don't need to be said like "Oh, he's not a handy-man." Always be an encourager and he'll trust you with his heart. Todd knows that I speak highly of him and he trusts me in that area. And I trust him that he would only speak kindly about me. I guess the main thing is to make that a practice if you haven't already. And it will become easier and easier. And I imagine it'll change your attitude towards him if you are focusing on the positive and not the negative.
2. Allow him to lead you. I am a strong personality. And T is more reserved. The way he leads is very different from the way I lead. And I've had to learn to submit to his leadership style. For me that means, to wait patiently which is not easy for my personality. I just want to get things done. But T is very wise and methodical. And when he does something, he does it with excellence. I remember hearing a speaker talk about family devotionals and allowing your husband to lead without interrupting and making corrections. It was soooo convicting to me. So, I've had to learn to take more of a back seat role.
3. Pray for your husband as much as possible. I think we often forget how hard it is to be a man--to have daily challenges at work, to have problems at home, to have to make all the family decisions, to be financially responsible, and spiritually responsible for your family etc. I pray throughout the day for T and I "Instant Message" him and ask him at least once a day how I can pray for him and how things are going at work.
4. Pray with your husband daily. We pray right before bed. This has been our practice since we got married. T's prayers are usually pretty short and sweet, mine can be longer. But this is a time that we bring all of our concerns and requests to the Lord together.
5. Have a good girlfriend. :-) OK this sounds weird, but it's important to have someone else to talk to besides your hubby. A good girlfriend will listen and help you work out things too. It doesn't all have to fall on your husband. It's not about keeping secrets here. Just trying to spare him from saving all the problems of the world. :-) Just want to make it clear that I am not talking about going to your girlfriend with problems about your husband. This is really more about having someone else to talk to about issues of your heart and practical advice.
6. Have a white board in a prominent area where your husband can write things that need to be done. Like errands he's needs to you to (get stamps, have a child shred papers, get something he needs at the grocery store, etc) And then make it a priority to get those things done.
7. Ask him "How can I be a better wife for you?" And then listen without justifying or getting angry about his answer.
8. Another good question, "Is there any area in which you feel I am not submitting to you?"
9. Be honest and share your feelings with him. If there is conflict, don't allow it to fester. Pray and go to him quickly. Most of our squabbles are just quick things like "Did you mean that the way I'm hearing it?" The answer is usually "No, will you forgive me for not choosing my words wisely?" And the response is "Of course." Then we move on with life.
10. Be quick to forgive and don't hold grudges! Forgiveness means choosing not to replay the hurt and not letting it damage the relationship. Stomping around, slamming doors or silent treatment is not forgiving.
11. Go on dates!! You need time to recharge and fill that relationship cup.
12. Not for little eyes. But make sure you are fulfilling his need for intimacy. It is important that his love tank is full. If not, it can lead to second glances and other temptations. You can do your part by keeping that tank full.
13. Don't assume that he knows what you need. I need a lot of encouragement. So every night I ask T, "Why do you love me?" If I especially need lots of encouragement, I may say, "Give me 5 reasons why you love me today." I don't mind asking, and he doesn't mind giving me answers.
14. Do everything you can to make him happy. You will be more satisfied in your marriage if you are seeking to satisfy the needs of your hubby--not your own needs.
15. Respect him! Don't correct him in front of others (including the children). Don't belittle. Do those things that he asks you to do. Honor him with your words and actions.
16. Ask him, "What one or 2 things can I do that would be a blessing to you?" And then try to do those things.
17. If there is an area where you are not submitting, pray and repent. Remember that it is easier to submit, than it is to lead. He is responsible for all the decisions, you are just responsible for following with a good attitude. When you get our from under his protection by not submitting, you are in danger. There is protection when you stay under the umbrella of your husband's authority. AND many times blessings!! My sweet K is a testimony of God's faithfulness and blessings when I submitted to T's desires.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Piggy Bank for K
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Life gets hard
Right now I've got 2 loved ones who are facing serious illness. My grandma and my adopted mom.
What's hard for me is that these 2 women have affected my life in profound ways. And the thought of losing one or both of them is a bit overwhelming at times. But I try to focus on the Lord and pray.
I need to be in the Word more. As I've fallen behind in my reading. I pray the Lord will draw me near to him.
Friday, July 13, 2007
I Cor 5--What to do with sinners in the body
This was a very lucrative business for the Corinthians. And because all kinds of people were there on business, sin abounded. Many of the rebukes from Paul were related to the sexual impurity that was prevalent.
When you are gathered together (assembled in church), along with my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, deliver the sinner to Satan for the destruction of the flesh (sickness, even death) that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
Sin affects the whole church body. It should be purged from the body.
I Cor 4--Faithful stewards, Praise, What we do
This is an interesting verse. We live in such a time that many feel that they can just say a Sinner's Prayer and then live how they want and sin how they want without consequence. After all, their sins are forgiven. But this verse seems to suggest that it is required of true believers to be found faithful.
Judge nothing before the time. The Lord will bring to light hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the heart. Each one's praise will come from God.
We should be looking to please the Lord, not men. Oh how often, I fail at this. For me, it's not so much that I want men's praise, as much as I fear their hurtful and unkind reactions. I do so want to be "liked." But I know I must get over this and desire the Lord's praise and pleasure! For only then will I be truly fulfilled.
We shouldn't be trying to make affiliations (Paul or Apollos). We are Christ's and He is the head.
Paul rebukes the Corinthians for being self-satisfied that they had already achieved spiritual greatness. We should be humble and that is not so hard when we focus on Christ's righteousness and our own sinfulness. And the cross. Or is it? Why do I fail so miserably thinking that I'm doing great one week--only to fail the next. Help me to be humble, dear Lord.
Paul urges the Corinthians to imitate him. Going back to v 12, we find that they should be working with own hands, blessing those who revile, enduring persecution, being made filth.
Working with hands--This reminds me of the old saying, "Idle hands are the devil's plaything." Certainly keeping busy with your hands will keep one from too much mischief.
Blessing those who revile you--Oh how difficult it is to bless those who are hurting you! But by God's strength it can be done.
Enduring persecution--I tend to be one who avoids persecution. I just want to be liked. But I'm realizing more and more that it is more important to obey the Lord and follow His ways and be faithful to speaking the truth in love than it is to be liked. I pray the Lord will continue to help me here.
Being made filth--Living in humility. Thinking of others as more important than myself. Someday I'd like to read CJ Mahaney's book Humility. Sounds like a good one!
The kingdom of God is not in word but in power.
Spiritual character is measured not by the impressiveness of words, but in the power of the life. It's easy to say things, but much harder to do. I find that I often times fail at implementing new behaviors and attitudes. But I think it's just as important to get up, dust myself off, and continue. I'll never succeed if I don't try. And I know the Lord will help me as I continue to pursue Him. I pray my life will be more than just words, but be an example of God's power in my life. For I know I can do nothing on my own.
I Cor 3--Carnal, Essential Doctrine, True Wisdom
Sounds a bit like the modern-day church doesn't it. I belong to this church. I belong to that one. I am so privileged to have friends from many different churches. Oh sure, we don't agree doctrinally on every point. But as long as we have the 5 essentials, and we are seeking to love and serve the Lord, then unity can exist, because "we are of Christ."
So what are those 5 essential doctrines:
1. Inerrancy of the Bible
2. The Diety of Christ--this includes the Trinity, and the Hypostatic Union (Christ is fully God and fully man.)
3. Salvation by Grace through Faith
4. The Resurrection of Christ
5. The Gospel
Our foundation must be Jesus Christ. Then we are to build on that foundation. There are many materials that we can choose to use-- gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, and straw. But when we come to the Judgment Seat of Christ, the quality of our work will become clear, for it will be revealed by fire. If it endures, that person will receive a reward. If it burns, he will suffer loss but will still be saved.
A few years ago, our family took a trip with our church to Greece and Rome to follow in the Footsteps of Paul. We stopped in Corinth. And one of my vivid memories was that of the Bema seat. Imagine a marble stage with steps going up. The floor of that stage is several feet about your head. And upon that stage is a seat where the Governor would sit and pronounce judgment. I can imagine laying on my face waiting for my King to judge my works. And I hope to have some that last. But I fear that many will be burned to ashes because of wrong motives and attitudes (seeking my own glory instead of God's glory, complaining, wanting man's praise and not God's, unwillingness and disobedience in my heart, pride, and many other disrespectful attitudes toward God and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.) Oh Lord, I pray I'll have something left! Help me to glorify you with my life!
The Wisdom of the world is foolishness with God.
How much of what we call wisdom today is the wisdom of this world? I'm afraid to even guess. But so much of what we learn today in our modern world of instant information is foolishness. Opinions change from day-to-day. One study says that this food is harmful, another says it's OK for you to have it in moderation, and another says it is beneficial. Parenting advice is child-centered. We are inundated with commercial advertisements for the latest and greatest of every product possible that can improve your life. And frankly the church is no different. We try to make the Gospel less offensive by stripping it of the power it has to save sinners! And we pick and choose messages so that the least number of people will be offended. We so need God's wisdom! And yet most people don't even read their Bibles. According to a Gallop poll from 2000, the percentage of Americans who read the Bible at least once a week is 37%. And I'd venture to guess that the percentage has gone down in the last 7 years. How can we possible know Wisdom if we never read it for ourselves?
I Corinthians 1-2
Notice that it is God who is faithful and has called us into fellowship with His Son. And if He has called us, then He will keep us! What blessed assurance that brings. Knowing that it is not up to me, but to my gracious heavenly Father!
The message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing
The Jews requested a sign and it became a stumbling block to them.
Greeks seek wisdom and instead the message is foolishness.
John MacArthur wrote a wonderful book on this topic called Hard to Believe: The High Cost and Infinite Value of Following Jesus. I'd highly recommend this book. What Jesus did was not some simple task. He was crucified in the most inhumane way imaginable. According to Cicero, respectable Greeks should not even mention the word. It was a horrific death! And yet Jesus died in that way for the joy set before Him and in obedience to the Father. Oh how I wish I had more obedience!
But back to the verses, it is foolishness to those who are perishing. Why would an innocent man suffer such a horrific death for mankind. After all to the average person, they are not that bad. In fact, they are pretty good. But not by God's standards! And because we are totally depraved, wicked, evil, lawbreakers and have committed high treason against the King of the Universe, He has every right to punish us eternally. But by His grace, He has chosen to provide a way of escape from the Judgment to Come. We will all face judgment. And how will you fare? Are you good enough to get into heaven? Will the Great, Holy, and Just God of the Universe overlook your overt and prolific transgressions of His law? Look into your heart and see what's there.
But we preach Christ crucified.
If Christ was not crucified, then we would have no hope! He died to pay the penalty for our sin. He is the propitiation (satisfaction of God's wrath) for our sin. You see, a wise and good judge can't just let lawbreakers go free. He must punish the guilty for their crimes. Otherwise, he would not be good. And because God knew that we could not pay the fine ourselves, He sent Jesus to pay our fine for us.
We can't come to God by human wisdom. It is all up to God. He opens our eyes to see.
And so there is nothing in us that makes us in our fallen state want to know God. He opens our eyes to see. And then gives us a choice. Will you repent and believe?
I Corinthians 2
Paul did not come with excellence of speech. His speech and preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom.
This gives me hope as I share my faith. I don't have to be eloquent or perfect in knowing all the arguments I may face. I just do it by faith.
Faith should not be in wisdom of men but in power of God.
My faith is not in man's wisdom, but in the power of God, and there is no one that is more powerful!
II Thes 3--Faithful & Loving God, Work
I love the fact that God is my protector. I used to think that the devil was always out to get me and that every bad thing that happened to me was a result of the devil behind every bush. And it is true that he is out to get me, but he doesn't have free access to me. The Lord allows certain things in my life to teach me and to help me to grow. To build character so to speak. My 1 year old daughter runs to me (or her daddy) when she needs protection. May I be quick to run to my Savior as well.
May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and the patience of Christ
It seems odd to hear people talk of God as a hateful and harsh dictator. And perhaps I used to think that as well. But as I read the Word, I find the Father to be so very loving. Yes, He chastises His children and sometimes quite harshly. But it is for their benefit and according to His sovereign plan. And oh how sweet is the patience of Christ. I can not tell you how many times He has patiently put up with me and my slowness to understand and my disobedient and prideful nature. But I am so very grateful that He hasn't given up on me. And He won't ever. May my heart rest in God's love and Christ's patience toward me.
Withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition you received from us.
This again is talking about a brother who is in sin. We are to withdraw from him with the hope that he will turn from his sin and back to the straight and narrow path. It is for his benefit, not to be hurtful or unkind.
If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
I think my boys have missed a lunchtime or 2 because of this verse. But they know that if they don't work, neither shall they eat. Fortunately, their tummies are great motivators for them to get moving and start working harder. And food is quickly provided as soon as the work is complete. I believe it was John Smith of the Jamestown settlement that had the policy that if the settlers did not work, they would not eat. And the settlement was the first to survive and thrive. Work is a part of being in a family. We are a team and each person is needed for the team to do well. And even my little K. is starting to help by picking up her toys.
For some don't work and are busy bodies. They should work in quietness and eat their own bread.
I'm reminded of the old saying, "Idle hands are the devil's playthings." Many bad things happen when we are idle.
Do not grow weary in doing good.
This is a favorite verse, especially in childrearing and homeschooling. And it is repeated in Galatians 6:9. There are times when I am discouraged or frustrated with the fruit in my children's lives. But I pray that as I continue on in this journey of motherhood and continue to seek the Lord for wisdom that He will capture my children's hearts. And in due season, I will reap what I've sown in their lives.
II Thes 1-2--Last Days, Sanctification
Paul gives thanks to God because:
1. Your faith grows exceedingly
2. Your love abounds toward each other
3. Your patience and faith in persecutions and tribulations
Paul was kicked out of Thessalonica fairly quickly. But he heard reports of the church. And the reports were encouraging to him. Their faith was growing. Their love for each other was growing. And their patience in the midst of persecution was unwavering.
Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God and those who do not obey the Gospel.
This describes a far different Jesus than the one who loves everybody.
II Thes 2
That Day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above that which is called God or that is worshipped so that he sits as God.Then the lawless one will be revealed. The Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth.The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders and unrighteous deception.
More verses about the end times. I really need to study this more. But as far as I can understand at the moment, there will come a falling away in the church. I'm guessing that it will be a turning away from the true gospel. And that is already happening. And this lawless one with power from Satan himself will perform with signs and lying wonders and unrighteous deception. And people will willingly believe. We need to be so careful in these days. There are so many men who profess to be godly, but are not teaching rightly from the Scriptures. I don't know much myself and I need to grow in knowledge of the Lord. Miracles alone are not enough to prove that someone is of God, we must listen to the message and see if it lines up with Scripture.
God will send them (those who do not love truth/unbelievers/have pleasure in unrighteousness) strong delusion to believe lie.
God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the spirit.
Another verse on election. God chose us for salvation from the beginning. And He will sanctify us by the spirit. If we are not growing in the Lord and being sanctified, we really must ask the question--Are we really saved?
Stand fast. May God establish you in every good word and work.
It is God who establishes the good words and work we are to do. I just need to be obedient to do it. Increase my love and desire for you, dear Lord! So that my heart will be more obedient!
I Thes 5--Christ is coming! Words to Live By
It is important that we keep watchful! For Jesus could come back at any moment. Am I anticipating that it could happen today? Unfortunately, I find too often that I'm wrapped up in the happenings of today and what's happening tomorrow and never even stop to consider that He could come back today. I wonder how different my life would be if I lived everyday with that kind of anticipation. Lord, help me to remember! Help me to seek to live as if you were coming back today!
Let us (Christians) watch and be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
So what shall we do as we anticipate the Lord's coming? Put on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of hope of salvation. My faith is in His righteousness and the propitiation for my sins. My love is for the Lord Jesus and because of my love for Him, I should love others more and more. And my hope is in His promises that if I repent and trust in Him, I will be saved from the wrath of God and made an heir to the Kingdom of God.
Recognize those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you (pastors). Esteem them very highly in love.
I thank God for our pastor! He has the heart of a true shepherd and I praise God for how we are all growing in the Lord! I can't imagine how difficult it is to be a pastor. But I know God's grace is there when you need it and for the calling that He's given.
Be at peace among yourselves:
Oh, how we tend to fuss and argue with one another over trivial things. Lord, help your children to get along. I'm reminded of my own children and how they fuss and argue over little things that they should overlook. I pray for my brothers and sisters at church that we would all be at peace among ourselves. I cherish the unity we share. But I know how wily the devil is. Protect us, dear Lord.
Words to live by:
Warn those who are unruly (Those who are out of line.)
Comfort the fainthearted (Those engulfed in worry/fear)
Uphold the weak
Be patient with all.
Don't render evil for evil to anyone
Always pursue what is good for yourself and for all
Rejoice always
Pray without ceasing (persistent and regularly)
Give thanks in everything
Do not quench the Spirit (sin)
Do not despise prophesies (MacArthur says scripture. But I'm not sure about that.)
Test all things
Hold fast what is good
Abstain from every form of evil.
I think I would do well to memorize this list. If I did all that, I know the Lord would be glorified. And that is my goal.
May God sanctify you completely. He who calls you is faithful and also will do it
Another verse on perseverance of the saints. It is God who sanctifies His elect, and because He is faithful, he will preserve them to the end.
I Thes 2-4--Fruitfulness, Love One Another
I Thes. 2/3
Paul talks of how he was separated from the Thessalonians, why he is authentic and his message is authentic. In other words, why they should believe him and his message over others. Paul is encouraged by their faith in spite of his short time with them.
I Thes. 4
Paul encourages the Thessalonians to abound more and more- to be more and more fruitful.
We have a little peach tree that was so fruitful this year. The branches were hanging to the ground with all of the fruit! We gave bushels of peaches away and ate plenty ourselves!! It was a good reminder to me to be fruitful and to continue to be more and more fruitful.
We have another peach tree right next to that one that has fruit that never gets ripe. I hope my life is not that that little tree. Seeming to bear fruit that never gets ripe.
For this is the will of God--that you should abstain from sexual immorality.
God did not call us to uncleanness, but to holiness.
Another verse on personal holiness. It saddens me to think of how many people out there think they are Christians and continue to wallow in sin. I pray that will examine themselves in light of the Scriptures to see if they are truly in the way before it is too late.
Love one another--increase more and more.
Loving your brothers and sisters in Christ is evidence of your salvation according to I John. I'm so grateful for the brothers and sisters that He's brought into my life and I pray that I will love them more and more.
I don't have earthly siblings that I'm close to, but I watch my dear children and see the love they have for one another. They don't always agree. And yes there is conflict when fleshly desires prevail, but they do love and learn from one another. I need my Christian brothers and sisters. They help me along this life and point me towards Christ. I hope for them that I do the same.
Aspire to lead a quiet life (don't generate conflict), to mind your own business, to work with your own hands, that you may walk properly toward those who are outside and that you may lack nothing.
I think these verses speak for themselves--being busy in the Lord and not in other people's business. I often think that "ignorance is bliss." And I'm a certified conflict-avoider. Not that that's a good way to handle things either. But I continue to grow in this area. Praise you, Jesus!
The rest of this chapter was about eschatological stuff which I've never really studied much. Although I need to so that I can understand it better.
I Thes 1--Election
Paul give thanks for the Thessalonians. He mention them in his prayers and remembers their works, labor and patience.
I pray that the fruit of my life will pleasing to the Lord and a blessing to others. And patience would continue to grow. I still have far to go in this area, but I see growth and I am encouraged!
Knowing your election by God
God initiates our election. He is the one who first loves and foreordained. But once was the veil is removed, the choice becomes ours. This is also known unconditional election. My sweetie likes to put it like this. Once God opens our eyes to our true state, then it's like choosing between filet minon and a plate of dung. You can still choose the latter, but why would you?
One Christmas, we did a devotional with the boys that was neat. On Christmas morning, we gave them each a little piece of coal in it. Then we read Psalm 51 where David repents of his sin with Bathsheba. He says, "Against you and you alone have I sinned." As they held the coal, it got all over their hands and everything they touched was dirtied. And that it was our sinful lives are like. But Jesus died to pay the price for our sin if we will repent and trust in Him. And then we put the choice before them in this analogy--Would you rather choose a piece of dirty coal or Christmas morning?
Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.
There is a wrath to come! So many teach that God is so loving that He wouldn't send someone to Hell. And many believe they are good enough to get to heaven. Are you sure? Take this test to find out.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Colossians 4--Prayer, Witnessing
Continue earnestly in prayer being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.
Walk in wisdom toward unbelievers redeeming the time.
I continue to seek the Lord for help in this area--to have more of a heart for the Lost and to have more boldness to witness for Him. I pray He will help me to overcome my fears
Let your speech always be with grace seasoned with salt so that you know how to answer.
I need to stop worrying about results and learn to love the Lord more. Perfect love casts out fear.
Colossians 3--Submission, Lord-pleasers
My testimony here is sobering. I used to be proud that I was soooo submissive. But 3 years ago the Lord got my attention and showed me that I wasn't as submissive as I thought I was. Long story short, my sweetie wanted another child and in my heart I was all done. Well...the Lord won and I'm so glad He did because now I have my sweet K. (15 months old)
Husbands love wives--do not be bitter.
One thing that I know for sure is that my sweetie loves me. He's the best!!
Children obey your parents in all things for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.
Bondservants obey masters, not with eyeservice as man pleasers but in sincerity of heart.
I think this could apply to employees. That they should work for their employers with sincerity of heart, not just giving lipservice (external service).
Whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to man.
It's good to remember that we should do everything for the Lord and not man. I know I have much to learn here. But I hope to see growth in this area.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Colossians 3--Put off and Put on
I'm reminded of this verse in Philippians 4:8:
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,Keeping my mind on things above is not always easy though. I find myself succumbing to the things of the world often--schedule for the day, what's going on with the children, what food needs to be planned and cooked, what school needs to be done. Of course in and of themselves, these are not bad things, but too often I find myself just thinking on these kinds of things and mulling over them instead of just focusing on the Lord. I hope to get better in this area.
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy–think about such
Put to death:
--evil desires
The wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience.
Another verse on habitual sin.
Put off:
--Filthy language
--Do not lie
Elect--holy and beloved
Put on:
--tender mercies
--bearing with one another
--forgiving one another
Above all
--put on love
--Let peace of God rule in your hearts
--be thankful
--let the word dwell in you
--Teach and admonish in songs, hymns and spiritual songs
--Sing with grace in your hearts
Colossians 2--Daily Conduct, Salvation is His alone
Our daily conduct should be centered around Christ and what He has taught us, and we should be growing in holiness. This is not to say that we won't fall. But that we can look back on our Christian lives and see that we have grown in Him.
To walk means to live a life patterned after HIS! This is so different from what those who teach that we can go on living like we want and still be a Christian teach.
In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh.
Through Christ our hearts have been circumcised. The desire for only sin has been cut off and there is a desire for righteousness. I believe that this also directly relates to perseverance of the saints. If God has circumcised out hearts, can we be uncircumcised?
And you being DEAD in trespasses and uncircumcision of your flesh, HE has made alive...having forgiven you all trespasses having wiped out the handwriting that was against us. He has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross.
This relates to total depravity in that we were dead. There was absolutely no life in us to choose Him. It was God who made us alive and forgave us ALL our trespasses. He wiped out all the debts that we owed. And He alone will get all the glory for saving sinners such as I.
Praise you Jesus!! I cannot imagine how long of a list you have against me. But I'm so grateful that I am yours and that through You, I have been granted mercy and have been reconciled to God.
Colossians 1--Once was lost, Now I'm found
In this verse, I find the essence of my salvation. I once was alienated from God and His enemy because of my wicked works. I was a traitor to all of His ways and there was nothing in me that desired God. I was dead in my transgressions.
Jesus did it all. He reconciled me to God by the blood that He shed on Calvary. He chose me before the foundation of the world. I don't know why. There was absolutely nothing about me that was lovable. But for some reason, He picked me. And I am eternally grateful!
And not only has He cleaned me from all past unrighteousness, but He continues to cleanse me and perfect me. Not that I will obtain pure righteousness in this life. But when I see Him face to face in His glory, the process of sanctification will be complete.
Those who continue in the faith are truly His. They are true believers and WILL be saved from the judgment to come. God alone knows a man's heart and knows if he is truly one of His elect. But I believe that those who are truly His will persevere, because He will sustain them. This does not mean that they can consistently and habitually sin. For the Bible would say that those who profess Christ, but continue in such a lifestyle are not truly His. We must examine our hearts to see what our response to sin is.
I like this analogy about a swimming pool. One man falls into the pool, but gets out and has remorse that he has fallen into the pool. He is disgusted that he fell into it and purposes in his heart not to fall again. His response to the sin is one of anguish and sorrow that He has sinned against a holy God. But another man purposefully dives into the pool of sin. He enjoys it and doesn't care about the consequences or that it is an offense to a Holy God. This is no true believer--no matter what this man professes.
Colossians 1--Christ is First!
In Christ, we see an image of God. He is God, but He came in the flesh. This blows my mind. It is hard for my finite mind to handle that the God who can fit the span of the universe in the palm of his hand came to earth as a baby. But when we look at Christ we see God.
By Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible.
All things were created through Him and for Him.
Christ created everything in heaven and on earth. Everything we see and everything that is invisible. And everything was created for Him.
He is before all things and in Him all things consistHe is eternal. He existed before anything else. And everything is held together by Him.
He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things He may have preeminence
He is the leader of the church. He was the first to rise from the dead. He is first in everything.
Lord, I pray that my life will reflect you as being first. Not my own desires. Help me to glorify you in everything!
Colossians1--Focusing my Prayer
For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and long suffering with joy;giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.
And remember to pray
1. That they would be fruitful. They would increase in good deeds as evidence of the change Christ has made in their hearts.
2. That they would increase in knowledge of God.
3. That they would be strengthened and empowered by God to live a godly life.
4. That they would joyfully give thanks to the Lord in everything.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
II Tim 4--Word, Finishing Well
Preach the Word
Be ready in season and out!
The Word can be used to:
There will come a time when men will not listen to sound doctrine because of the OWN desires.
You should:
--be watchful
--endure afflictions
--do evangelism
--fulfill your ministry
Paul says, "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith."
I pray I will be able to say such some day as well.
The Lord stood with me and strengthened me.
When times are tough and it seems impossible to persevere, we can look to the Lord to stand with us and strengthen us.
Friday, June 29, 2007
II Tim 3--Evil Men, Persecution, Scriptures
Men will be:
--lovers of themselves
--lovers of money
--disobedient to parents
--without self-control
--despisers of good
--lovers of pleasure
--not lovers of God
--having a form of godliness
--but denying it's power.
And from such people, TURN AWAY.
These men lead gullible women loaded down with sin astray by their false teaching.
All who desire to live godly in Christ WILL suffer persecution.
I suppose the question is if we are not suffering some kind of persecution, what should that tell us?
Knowing from childhood the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
It is the scriptures that teach us about salvation through faith in Jesus.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work.
II Tim 2--Depart from Sin, Characteristics of Servants
The Lord knows those who are His.
Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
We should be pursuing holiness. Fleeing from sin. When we fall, we should hate it and be disgusted, not be diving into sin and reveling in it.
Avoid foolish disputes knowing that they generate strife.
A servant of the Lord must
--not quarrel
--be gentle to all
--be able to teach
--be patient
--in humility correct those who are in opposition.
God grants repentance.
It's all by God's grace and He will get all the glory!
II Tim 2--Grace, Hardship, Denial
Grace...I like what someone once said that grace is giving you what you DON"T deserve and mercy is NOT giving you what you DO deserve. Through Jesus we have been given an awesome gift! Not only are we not condemned to the hell we so justly deserve, but through grace He has given us eternal life as heirs and sons and daughters of His inheritance. Oh wretch that I am! I am so undeserving of His rich love towards me. But He has called me His child and I am so grateful. Help me to live in such a way that I would reflect the mercy and grace you have bestowed upon me.
You must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus. Don't get tangled in the affairs of this life.
Hardship doesn't seem like an option here. And yet we are continually bombarded with the message that if we "accept" Jesus, then our lives will be better. And indeed they will be for we will be saved from the wrath to come. But I think as American Christians and because of the prevalence of the prosperity gospel, we somehow equate knowing Jesus with having more stuff, less strife and happy days. This is the exact opposite of taking up our cross, denying ourselves and laying down our lives others, and dying to ourselves.
If we deny Him, he will deny us.This is a final denial at death. Peter denied Christ 3 times, but this was a temporary denial. After being filled with the Spirit, he was used mightily by God and died for the sake of the gospel. IN the end, he glorified Jesus and did not deny Jesus, but fed His sheep.
II Tim. 1--Gifts,Fear and Election
Was he faltering or wavering in his gifting?)
God has not given you a spirit of fear, but power. love and sound mind.
How many times have I not used my giftings because of fear. I need to remember that the context of this verse was in relation to stepping out with your giftings. In particular, I feel the need to be more courageous in sharing my faith with others. I still struggle with fear. But my desire is for my love of God to overcome my fear of man. Cowardly fear is caused by a weak and selfish character. Only thinking of self. It is not glorifying God or edifying the body.
Love is focusing on pleasing God and seeking the welfare of others before one's own.
Sound mind means focusing on the sovereign nature and perfect purposes of God
He has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works (we can't earn by doing works) but according to his purpose and grace which was given in Christ before time began.
Another verse related to unconditional election. That God saved and called us before time began.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I Timothy 6--False Teachers, Money, Pursuing God
I think this could apply to an employee. Each employee should give honor to their employer so that God is not blasphemed. Blasphemed is a pretty strong word, but a reminder of how important it is for us to show honor to those who are in authority over us.
Characteristics of False teachers
1. Teach otherwise--different doctrine
2. Do not consent to wholesome words
3. Reject doctrine which accords with godliness.
4. Are proud
5. Know nothing
6. Obsessed with disputes and arguments over words
7. Envy
8. Strife
9. reviling
10. evil suspicions
11. useless wranglings of men
12. of corrupt minds
13. destitute of the truth
14. use "godliness" as a means of gain. (Pretend to be godly to get what they want.)
WITHDRAW from such men!
Godliness with contentment is great gain.
Be content with what the Lord has provided. With your food, clothing, etc. We in America are so blessed and so rich! It is so foolish for us to be ungrateful and discontent with what the Lord has provided.
If you desire to be rich, be careful for you may fall into temptation and snares and into many harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some have strayed from faith in greediness and pierced themselves with many sorrows.
This isn't saying that they've lost their faith. Just wandered to pursue greed and money and with it many sorrows. It's so much better to pursue the Lord!
Flee greed and pursue:
1. righteousness
2. godliness
3. faith
4. love
5 patience
6. gentleness
Command those who are rich not to be haughty not to trust in riches, but in the living God.
Let them do good. Be rich in good works, ready to give and willing to share.
Again we in America should not trust in our riches (houses, money, stocks, etc), but in God. He is our true provider and sustainer! Help us, dear Lord, to be rich in good works!
Avoid profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge.
I'm reminded of the quote by Socrates--"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing. " The more I learn, the more ignorant I learn that I am. Lord, I need to know what you say is true. And help me to discern true from false.