I was thinking about Christmas this morning while I was making breakfast and before everyone was up.
All the preparation up to "the event." The decorating, putting up the Christmas tree, purchasing gifts and wrapping them and putting them under the tree, Advent devotionals, the Advent calendar, buying the food for Christmas breakfast and Christmas dinner. Each thing a sign that Christmas is getting closer.
And how we all anticipate the moment-- The kids waking up and sitting on the top step, then coming down to open stockings. The excitement is so real. It's even hard for the kids (and me) to sleep on Christmas Eve cause we are so excited.
And I had the thought that that same anticipation should be how I feel about the Lord Jesus returning. As the signs get closer my heart should leap and the return of my King. And as I think on that moment when I see my Lord face to face and reflect on his return I am filled with that same anticipation that I felt this morning. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. For your bride has made herself ready!
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