You can download it from Desiring God here.
In it he gives this quote, "Pleasure is the measure of our treasure." And goes on to expound that what we take pleasure in most is what we treasure most. How do we spend our time? What do we think about most? On what do we spend our money?
Sadly, I shudder to think how much time I spend thinking on all kinds of things--what my plans are for the day, the week and the month, what the children need to be doing, how am I gonna get everything that I need to do accomplished? What do others need from me? Etc.
I wonder if this is idolatry? For the end of all of this thinking doesn't really seem to lead to glorifying God.
Now I'm not saying that every thought needs to be only on the Lord with my head in the Bible and all money only applied to Christian pursuits. But...I'm praying that my pleasure will be more and more found in the Lord and that this will be reflected more and more in my actions, throughts, words, deeds (and expenditures. :-))
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