I woke up last night feeling like I was in a fog...like a bear waking up from hibernation with that groggy feeling like I was awake and aware of things, but not fully.
What was on my heart was rest...Rest in the Lord and what that looks like.
The picture in my mind was of the "path of rest" with 2 ditches on either side. One ditch was "striving" and the other was "laziness."
And then I began to think about the pits. Striving is the one I fall into most often and am most familiar with. It has it's roots in pride! I want everything to look perfect-my house, my kids, my life. Why? So that others will admire ME.
Most recently, my striving has come at the expense of my kids. I cannot shake the thoughts of getting them prepared for college, and there is never enough that can be done to get them to that point. These thoughts are always at the forefront of my mind.
But the other pit of laziness is just as deadly. Waiting for things to "just happen" and not acting can be just as sinful. And God has strong words for the lazy. God says the sluggard is worthless and wicked in Proverbs 6.
God wants us to rest. He modeled it for us when He rested on the 7th day of Creation. He commanded the children of Israel to rest one day out the week. And He tells us that Christ is our rest and to rest in Him.
So how does that practically work out? I will be the first to say that I'm just learning and taking baby steps. But here are some ideas for me:
1. Keep my eyes focused on the Lord and His rest. Recognizing the pits is helpful, but focusing on not falling into one of them is only going to land me in the mire.
2. When I am feeling overwhelmed or anxious, I should cry out to the Lord for help. Only by His grace can I keep on the path.
3. Examine my heart and repent of sinful motives and actions--whether they be striving or slothful.
4. Continue to work as unto the Lord, but leave the results to Him--for He alone knows the path that we have before us. And also the path of our children.
So how about you? Would you like to join me on God's path of rest?
Be encouraged as God's Word reminds us in Psalm 116. "Return, O my soul, to your rest; for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you."