My husband's aunt died last weekend. The memorial service was last Saturday. This is my favorite picture of her because it captures her personality.
Here are some of my thoughts from the weekend.
It is a great comfort to Christians to know that a loved one is with the Lord. Most of my extended family is not walking with the Lord and I do not have that comfort for them. I pray the Lord will touch them and open their eyes.
I was also just blessed by my family. All of my boys participated in some way. And they blessed many. It is such a blessing to see them grow!
I was also just blessed by my in-laws. It is amazing the sacrifices they made for Aunt Shirley. I pray the Lord will richly bless them for all that they did for her. I'm sure there will be plenty of jewels in their crowns.
Finally, I just kept thinking about how we wait to say what we really think until it's many times too late. I hope to do better. But only by the Lord's strength. I'm not good with words even though I FEEL very deeply.