Here it is New Year's Eve. 2008 is almost over and 2009 is about to begin.
2008 was an interesting year.
Here are some highlights.
1. Todd and I celebrated 17 years of marriage. I am so very blessed to have my best friend as my husband. He is the BEST! And my love and respect for him continue to grow as the years go by. Every year I think--"How could I love him any more than I already do?" And every year, I love him all the more!
2. Z. played baseball for HSAA. He had a great season and will be playing again this coming Spring. I love baseball and can't wait for the games to begin. He has been growing in the Lord and in character. He excels in school. And is getting more and more proficient in speechifying!
3. J. turned 13. He also is doing well in his studies. He played HSAA football this past fall and had a blast. He is a natural in speech and was blessed to perform at the Lone Star Storytelling Festival. I can't wait to see how the Lord uses him for His own glory.
4. JJ is doing very well with violin. He is my sensitive and sweet child--always considering others. He still wants to be an astronaut. I'm still not sure I'm up for the adventure. But the Lord knows.
5. K. turned 2 and continues to bless us all. She brings much laughter and sweetness to our family. And she's all girl! Pink, lace and frills. She already learning how to be a hostess. At our ladies' tea I overheard her telling the guests as they were leaving, "Bye. Thank you for coming!" It was so cute!
6. We went to Disney this year with our extended family. We had fun with the family. But had some trouble with the hotel and we lost our camcorder on the trip home. So it was a hard trip. We hope to return soon to have a better experience. K. wants to see "Cinderelli."
7. I have been blessed to teach apologetics to the kids in our speech club. I have grown so much myself as I've studied. And I look forward to continued growth as I study more this year.
8. In November, we decided to look for a local home church. We were travelling too far and it was hard to maintain relationships. So we are in the process of looking for a church now. I think we have found one. But we want to go through the member's class first.
I can't wait to see what 2009 brings. I pray that we all grow closer to the Lord in 2009. May He alone be glorified in everything we think, say, do and feel!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Fairness and the Sovereignty of God
Many times we look at our circumstances and from our perspective things seem unfair.
But when we take a step back we can see that God is trying to teach us a bigger lesson.
This past weekend at the speech tournament I was in the TAB room. Let me tell you first off that those ladies back there are AMAZING! You have no idea how many things they are juggling to get everyone to the right place, to be fair and above reproach and to keep things running as close to time as possible.
I had the privilege of filing ballots so I knew how my children were doing after each round and who would be in his room each time.
Z did very well (even amongst top competitors) in the first round. But 2 things happened in the second round to off set those initial good rankings...
1. He was placed in the exact same room with the same competitors (only one new competitor) and
2. The judges asked the students to choose their topic at the judges table before going to their card box.
This 2nd thing threw Z off. And when he couldn't find the card he had chosen in his box, he had a choice
1. To give up
2. To make an appeal.
2 years ago, he would have given up. But this time, he made an appeal to the judges. They accepted it and he was able to continue. He didn't do as well in that round. BUT....I can tell you that I am more proud of him for making that appeal than any award that he could have won.
On Sunday morning I was reading through his ballots and was so blessed. When we started 2 years ago, every one of his ballots said "More eye contact" or "Don't read your card". This time everyone of his ballots said "Great eye contact" and "Confident and sincere."
What a long way we've come since the beginning.
So why the title Fairness and the Sovereignty of God? Because looking at the situation in the natural, I could focus on how things might seem unfair, but in the bigger picture and in the Sovereignty of God we learned a more valuable lesson!
I pray that the next time we are tempted to complain about fairness in any aspect of life that we will take a step back and remember that God is in control and look for the bigger lesson he has for us.
But when we take a step back we can see that God is trying to teach us a bigger lesson.
This past weekend at the speech tournament I was in the TAB room. Let me tell you first off that those ladies back there are AMAZING! You have no idea how many things they are juggling to get everyone to the right place, to be fair and above reproach and to keep things running as close to time as possible.
I had the privilege of filing ballots so I knew how my children were doing after each round and who would be in his room each time.
Z did very well (even amongst top competitors) in the first round. But 2 things happened in the second round to off set those initial good rankings...
1. He was placed in the exact same room with the same competitors (only one new competitor) and
2. The judges asked the students to choose their topic at the judges table before going to their card box.
This 2nd thing threw Z off. And when he couldn't find the card he had chosen in his box, he had a choice
1. To give up
2. To make an appeal.
2 years ago, he would have given up. But this time, he made an appeal to the judges. They accepted it and he was able to continue. He didn't do as well in that round. BUT....I can tell you that I am more proud of him for making that appeal than any award that he could have won.
On Sunday morning I was reading through his ballots and was so blessed. When we started 2 years ago, every one of his ballots said "More eye contact" or "Don't read your card". This time everyone of his ballots said "Great eye contact" and "Confident and sincere."
What a long way we've come since the beginning.
So why the title Fairness and the Sovereignty of God? Because looking at the situation in the natural, I could focus on how things might seem unfair, but in the bigger picture and in the Sovereignty of God we learned a more valuable lesson!
I pray that the next time we are tempted to complain about fairness in any aspect of life that we will take a step back and remember that God is in control and look for the bigger lesson he has for us.
Friday, August 1, 2008
2 Natures
I thought this was a neat poem. And aptly describes the war within us. The war between flesh and sprit.
May the spirit dominate today!
May the spirit dominate today!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
One of the most precious things that I love about my dear sweet K is how she always wants everyone to be "happy".
This morning, JJ was spinning her in an office chair. When he stopped, she was dizzy and fell off the chair and bumped her head. We were all very sad. But JJ was especially sad that he had a part in her getting hurt. He is my sensitive child and would never hurt a flea.
But when K realized that JJ was sad, she wanted him to be happy. So she said, "JJ happy?"
It made me cry to think that even in her own hurt, she was concerned about others and their happiness. She truly is a blessing!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Aunt Shirley

My husband's aunt died last weekend. The memorial service was last Saturday. This is my favorite picture of her because it captures her personality.
Here are some of my thoughts from the weekend.
It is a great comfort to Christians to know that a loved one is with the Lord. Most of my extended family is not walking with the Lord and I do not have that comfort for them. I pray the Lord will touch them and open their eyes.
I was also just blessed by my family. All of my boys participated in some way. And they blessed many. It is such a blessing to see them grow!
I was also just blessed by my in-laws. It is amazing the sacrifices they made for Aunt Shirley. I pray the Lord will richly bless them for all that they did for her. I'm sure there will be plenty of jewels in their crowns.
Finally, I just kept thinking about how we wait to say what we really think until it's many times too late. I hope to do better. But only by the Lord's strength. I'm not good with words even though I FEEL very deeply.
Monday, March 31, 2008
J turns 13!!
Oh my! I have 2 teens now! It seems like only yesterday that J was born. He's always been inquisitive with such energy and enthusiasm. And such faith. He never gives up. I love him dearly and pray the Lord will continue to lead and guide him.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
K has the yuk-yuks
Poor K woke up from her nap after church yesterday and had a bad tummy. So all throughout JJ's party I was taking care of a sick baby wiht plenty of help from the rest of the family.
But she was so cute...everytime she felt sick she would say--"Yuk-Yuks comin'"
I think she's better today. So we are hoping for no more "yuk-yuks"
But she was so cute...everytime she felt sick she would say--"Yuk-Yuks comin'"
I think she's better today. So we are hoping for no more "yuk-yuks"
JJ is 10!
My sweet JJ turned 10 yesterday. I can't believe it!! Where has the time gone.
He is a wonderful son full of joy and smiles. And always so eager to help.
I am so blessed to have him as my son!
He is a wonderful son full of joy and smiles. And always so eager to help.
I am so blessed to have him as my son!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Last weekend, our boys participated in an NCFCA speech tournament.
All 3 of the of boys did very well and we are excited about how much they are learning as they become more effective communicators for Christ.
Z--His topic was on the dangers of using movies as a main topic in preaching. It was a relevant message on getting back to expository preaching. How encouraging to hear such a strong message from a 14 yo!!
J--Placed 2nd in Open Interp for his version of The 3 Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.
JJ--Placed 3rd in Jr. Oratory for his speech on Funding for NASA.
All 3 of the of boys did very well and we are excited about how much they are learning as they become more effective communicators for Christ.
Z--His topic was on the dangers of using movies as a main topic in preaching. It was a relevant message on getting back to expository preaching. How encouraging to hear such a strong message from a 14 yo!!
J--Placed 2nd in Open Interp for his version of The 3 Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.
JJ--Placed 3rd in Jr. Oratory for his speech on Funding for NASA.
Homeschooling to the Glory of God
2007 was a year of new revelation for me. I got a glimpse of my true purpose in life...To glorify God in everything that I say, do, think and feel.
Now this may seem simple and trite. But I assure you that this is no small task and I fail frequently. But I am being transformed by the renewing of my mind. And I am ever more mindful of of my sinful ways and my sinful motives.
I am constantly asking myself, "Why are you acting that way?" "Why are you feeling that way?" "Why are you doing things that way?" and "Why are you saying things that way and with that tone?" and finally, "Are you bringing glory to God with that thought, word or deed?"
And bottom line is if it not for the glory of God, then to me it is sin .
So, I've been digging deep into my heart even in regards to homeschooling. And I thought I'd share some food for thought:
Why am I homeschooling?
In all honesty for me, it has always been to avoid the negatives of traditional schools and gain the positives of homeschooling. The positives were close family relationships, better character, ability to train my kids in the way we thought best (using the Bible), and academic excellence. The negatives were avoiding peer pressure and accessibility (and frequent contact) to sinful attitudes, behaviors and actions (disrespect, rebellion, drugs, promiscuity, etc),
And if I look even further into my heart, I would see some even uglier things--like wanting my kids to be a trophy of some sort (better, smarter, kinder, with godlier character). And I find that in the end it all leads to sinful pride.
So what is the remedy? Christ alone! You see Jesus is not interested in what's in it for me and how He can make me look better (or even my kids to look great). It's all about the glory of God. When I teach my children, it should be to the glory of God. What am I teaching them? How am I acting towards them? What am I saying to them?
On a daily basis, I need to put away such futile and fleeting thoughts about how great my children are. Of course I love them and think they are great. But what is the purpose of my training? It HAS to be for the glory of God, so that He can use them to bring glory to Himself. Otherwise, I'm just teaching them to be prideful, arrogant, haughty, self-righteous, and even lazy. And these attitudes will do nothing but lead them astray.
When we focus on ourselves and what's in it for us and how we are better than others, we are only following our sin nature and our flesh. And I would even venture to say that when we compare ourselves to other kinds of schools, many times we are doing that as well. We need to be careful of such thoughts and words for we do not know the paths of others that God will use to bring glory to Himself.
So my question to you today is why are you homeschooling? Search your heart and see what's really in there. And if you, like me, are convicted by what you see, I pray you will repent and ask the Lord to change you from the inside.
May we always seek to honor and glorify the Lord in everything we do, say, think and feel.
Now this may seem simple and trite. But I assure you that this is no small task and I fail frequently. But I am being transformed by the renewing of my mind. And I am ever more mindful of of my sinful ways and my sinful motives.
I am constantly asking myself, "Why are you acting that way?" "Why are you feeling that way?" "Why are you doing things that way?" and "Why are you saying things that way and with that tone?" and finally, "Are you bringing glory to God with that thought, word or deed?"
And bottom line is if it not for the glory of God, then to me it is sin .
So, I've been digging deep into my heart even in regards to homeschooling. And I thought I'd share some food for thought:
Why am I homeschooling?
In all honesty for me, it has always been to avoid the negatives of traditional schools and gain the positives of homeschooling. The positives were close family relationships, better character, ability to train my kids in the way we thought best (using the Bible), and academic excellence. The negatives were avoiding peer pressure and accessibility (and frequent contact) to sinful attitudes, behaviors and actions (disrespect, rebellion, drugs, promiscuity, etc),
And if I look even further into my heart, I would see some even uglier things--like wanting my kids to be a trophy of some sort (better, smarter, kinder, with godlier character). And I find that in the end it all leads to sinful pride.
So what is the remedy? Christ alone! You see Jesus is not interested in what's in it for me and how He can make me look better (or even my kids to look great). It's all about the glory of God. When I teach my children, it should be to the glory of God. What am I teaching them? How am I acting towards them? What am I saying to them?
On a daily basis, I need to put away such futile and fleeting thoughts about how great my children are. Of course I love them and think they are great. But what is the purpose of my training? It HAS to be for the glory of God, so that He can use them to bring glory to Himself. Otherwise, I'm just teaching them to be prideful, arrogant, haughty, self-righteous, and even lazy. And these attitudes will do nothing but lead them astray.
When we focus on ourselves and what's in it for us and how we are better than others, we are only following our sin nature and our flesh. And I would even venture to say that when we compare ourselves to other kinds of schools, many times we are doing that as well. We need to be careful of such thoughts and words for we do not know the paths of others that God will use to bring glory to Himself.
So my question to you today is why are you homeschooling? Search your heart and see what's really in there. And if you, like me, are convicted by what you see, I pray you will repent and ask the Lord to change you from the inside.
May we always seek to honor and glorify the Lord in everything we do, say, think and feel.
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